Can this realistically be achieved? Does the couple need to split? Prior to marriage, when engaged, with the advice of any sensible Catholic, to be able to avoid sex, I only met my boyfriend in PUBLIC places such as parks, ice cream parlours, etc. I found this the only realistic way to avoid sex when young and very attracted to each other.Don’t have sex, at all. Ever. If she really is risking death if she gets pregnant she ought to abstain from all sexual activity. I know that sounds radical to post 1960’s Americans, but she won’t die from not having sex, and might from having it. Using contraception will result in mortal sin, which kills the soul (and thus is worse than physical death), but abstaining from all sexual activity is morally licit. Remember, we are not obligated to have sex, even if we are married, especially if it might lead to death.
How is a couple with those type of circumstances be able to totally abstain whe attracted to each other and in love?