Hello everyone, been a while.
I am sort of a “rediscovering” Catholic, having taken a hiatus from my faith for a year or so.
While I agree with the Churche’s teaching on artificial contraception ( immoral, selfish, not open to gods plan for life etc) I do wonder if it sometimes doesn’t do some good. For example, contraception does stop selfish, irresponsible, immature people from producing children. This is my main point.
I think it is really underestimated and under appreciated what harm is done from people having sex out of wedlock and producing children. Such children are far more likely to suffer from poverty, sexual+ physical abuse, and a general bad outcome on life than ones born in marriage. I have read that a child born to a married couple already has far more advantages than say a child born to a girl who got pregnant at age 16.
I personally believe the legion of hardships that plague the African American community would be much decreased if marriage were the norm in the inner cities of Chicago or Detroit. Instead in the black inner cities ( and elsewhere) what happens often is ignorant teenagers and 20 year olds, perhaps influenced by sexualized culture have sex without thinking of consequences, then end up having children who they are perhaps either unwilling or incapable to take care of properly. Often in poor, out of wedlock families, the father is nowhere to be seen, which I believe can influence violent behavior in the sons and promiscuity in the daughters. I could go on and on.
I know it is an UnCatholic opinion I have, that puts me at odds with the Church, but I feel I cannot help but have it. That is, if people (especially young people) are going to be selfish and and immoral when it comes for sex, than for goodness sake, take all the precautions you can to not have children

! It quite frankly isn’t fair.
I know of course, it is best if they just be good Christians, and not have sex at all. That is a nice opinion to have, one that I agree with, but I do believe it is unreasonable to expect that behavior will occur to many people, and that many people will not be dismissive of such an attitude. I think that ultimately if people are going to have sex outside of marriage, it is better if they use contraception, than if they produce a child they are incapable of parenting kindly or responsibly.
I keep thinking of Adrian Peterson, the Vikings quarterback. He has 7 children by 7 different women, ( that we know of.) I do hate to be harsh, but Im sure almost all of them were just women he lusted for and had sex with without thinking of the consequences. It would be better I believe for him to have used contraception when he did that. He definitely is not parenting material. We know that he beat one of his kids raw with a switch ( 4 year old boy covered in scars. Im sure anything a 4 year old would have done, would deserve a spanking or face smack at the very most.) One of his children was killed by the baby mamma’s boyfriend, and he is accused of beating another.
I do not believe his children have great outcomes in life, and don’t believe he has ambitions to be a serious parent.
Ok he’s just an example of the dangers of promiscuous non contraceptive sex? What do you think of my proposition? Crazy? Reasonable? Sort of smart, but flirting with sinful thinking? Id love to know.