I think your question is a good one, Delphinus. I would like to see maybe Scott Hahn’s answer to the statement about Protestants and birth control. As probably most people on CAF know, he was using ABC without any sense of guilt, but when he was convinced that the Church was right on this issue, it eventually led him to learn so much about the Church that he became Catholic. With his background, this is something I would like to see him comment on.i really hate the term “love killer” I am in line with the catholic teaching, but I know a lot of protestant christian homes that use one form of contraception or another, and those couples could not be more in love and selfless in their marriage. Also, what about folks like one of my friends who has to take birth control for medical purposes??
I just think that while the church teaches that birth control is immoral, we can NOT pass judgement on other people’s marriages. We don’t know their reasons for postponing pregnancy, or why they are even using ABC. I think we need to ficus more on loving one another.
It is my understanding that the use of the Pill for medical purposes is not opposed by the Church. However, I would encourage anyone with reproductive health issues to check out naprotechnology.com. I have heard the developer of this technology speak on EWTN and it sounds like they have made great strides in ethically acceptable fertility treatments and women’s reproductive health, even though you don’t hear about it in the media. It is definitely worth looking into!