Hi all,
I’m hoping to get a little guidance/(name removed by moderator)ut on a couple of issues, and I apologize in advance for the length.
Thanks so much for your (name removed by moderator)ut
I’m hoping to get a little guidance/(name removed by moderator)ut on a couple of issues, and I apologize in advance for the length.
- I attended Mass with a Catholic friend about 7-8 years ago when we lived in a major metropolitan area, but not on my own until about a year ago. I’ve been attending Mass regularly for quite awhile now. I recently discovered that the masses are primarily the “Mass of Creation” versions, I knew they were different from what I was used to, but didn’t realize the format had a name until just a few weeks ago. I was a little uncomfortable with the somewhat “Protestantised” local churches (i.e. no statues or crucifix, seating in the round versus the more traditional straight seating, etc. that I had been accustomed to seeing in a Catholic Church), so I went to one about 45 minutes away that has some Latin in the Mass which is what I was used to, complete with a crucifix and statues of Mary and Joseph prominently displayed (Note: Yes, I do realize this all external and the Mass itself is the only thing that matters, but I like the external stuff - it makes me feel as if I’m in a Catholic Church versus a Protestant one) I really love this new parish, the priest is wonderful, but I’m concerned about the distance. I pass 4 other Catholic churches in order to go to this one. I’ve tried RCIA before at a local parish, but I had some strong disagreements with one of the deacons (and RCIA director) and dropped out. I’d like to try again in this other parish, but again I’m worried about the distance. I know Catholics are no longer bound to attend within their parish boundaries, but how often is this done? I guess I feel guilty for passing up all these others on the way.
- I’ve been a Christian for many many years (not of any particular denomination) and I’d love to now join the Catholic Church, but I’m wondering if I should wait until some issues I have with the church are resolved (through my own research and/or discussions) or am I making too big of a deal of it?
Here’s what I strongly believe in:
The Mass and the Eucharist - this is the primary reason I want to convert, I believe the Catholic Church is the only place where this is.
The Blessed Mother, the Saints, and the Rosary - I’ve been praying the rosary for well over 2 years now (as often as I can).
My hangup:
I really don’t have any specific problems per se, but I’m the type of personality that wants to know everything they’re getting into before committing to something. I’m working my way through the CCC and I’ve read several church history books - Eusebius, St Augustine, etc.
Thanks so much for your (name removed by moderator)ut