I do not have time to read all the replies so maybe I am just repeating what has already been said. Our family of 8 was received into the Church on Pentecost Sunday of this year (May 31). We hemmed and hawed for a couple of years before finally taking the plunge. I have no regrets, except for the hemming and hawing. If you believe the Catholic Church is the very Church Jesus started then you owe it to Him to reconcile yourself to Her. I too considered myself a “Catholic Sympathizer,” even while attending an anti-Catholic Baptist church.For over a decade, I’ve felt a strong pull to Catholicism. Too timid to attend Mass (in case I didn’t know when to knee/stand, etc), I first started visiting Catholic churches to pray, then worked up to Eucharistic adoration. Finally, I purchased a missal and attended my first Mass at Easter this year - - and I’ve been attending regularly since. (I love attending Mass and I love adoration - - I often feel like I wish there was more time to devote to these things instead of having a career.)
For years I’ve been a Catholic sympathizer and read theology for fun. I was raised Baptist and have been a practicing Christian since childhood. I went into Anglicanism last year and probably would’ve been content there if it weren’t for the lack of apostolic succession and the heretical views that have infiltrated the Anglican Communion (but I suppose that’s just an excellent example of why we need a Magisterium).
So here’s my question: In my heart, I want to convert and be able to receive my Lord in the Eucharist, but my head is getting in the way. Because of some influences from my past (think Jack Chick, John MacArthur, etc), I’m still not 100% comfortable on two main issues: devotion to Mary and indulgences regarding souls in purgatory. Must I wait to convert until I have settled every single one of my doubts on these issues?
I haven’t talked to the parish priest yet because I don’t want to offend him by questioning these things. I’ve started praying the Rosary daily but I’m not really comfortable. I’ve got a lot of fear, I guess. However, I’m reading and ordering tons of books (Hahn, Madrid, etc) and listening to EWTN Radio a lot.
I encourage you to speak with the priest. Our priest has become a friend, a part of our family. He is also our “Persona Christi” and no one to be afraid of offending! Jesus already knows your questions.
Personally, I had a lot of “But what about this…” type issues until we decided to do it. Then I had peace. I feel the devil was using his same-old, same-old tactics that he’s been using since Eve (sneaky little questions!) but once we made that decision it all stopped. It came to a place where we either believed the Church was HIS Church, or it wasn’t. When I knew I could never go back to being a Protestant again, the decision made itself. Again, I have no regrets. I love the Church and the Faith more and more. I felt indifference (though certainly a distant admiration) toward Our Lady before receiving the Eucharist, and now I can only describe my feelings for her as love. She’s my Mother and I love her. It just happened, and it’s rather indescribable.
Don’t be afraid. Those Jack Chick/John MacArthur types think they’re doing God’s will so they mean well. But frankly, they’re wrong. They have believed wacky conspiracy theories in advance of learning the facts for themselves. They don’t know the Church, the Mass or the Faith—they only know crazy caricatures that anyone would be afraid of. The problem is, the Catholicism of Jack Chick doesn’t exist. You know that for yourself.
God bless you.