People are willing to sacrifice a little privacy as long as they understand that it is necessary for security.
As a person who is in training for a career in health information technology, I respectfully disagree with this statement.
Privacy of one’s health information is very important. Medical confidentiality is a security and a health issue. It’s not like boarding a plane or going to a football game. Trust me on this.
I realize that you are a respectful soul and that you sincerely do your best to avoid judging others. Keeping that in mind, I ask you to realize that pregnancy, in many ways, breaches a woman’s privacy. As her belly swells, people can see she is pregnant and not everyone supports pregnancy. I know many women, some married and some single, who faced scorn, threats against their livelihood, discrimination, and other harsh circumstances because they were pregnant.
We’re human beings and we live by a concept called “social capital”. We judge each other by what we can bring to the table and for many women, a pregnancy can have serious, negative long-term impacts on health, mental well-being, and financial security.
It’s going to take a lot more than a small stipend to get women to change their minds about abortion. In this nation, it will take universal access to effective contraceptives, promotion of effective forms of family awareness methods for conceiving, preventing, and spacing pregnancies, and speaking out against abortion as an acceptable form of birth control.
In addition, the US will need to enact better maternity/family leave laws for parents, offer affordable child care programs, crack down on pregnancy and motherhood discrimination in the work force, and provide better incentives for married couples to have children than the measly tax credits we have now.
And the state doesn’t need to “encourage” anyone who gets pregnant out of wedlock to get married. In the US, getting married because of a pregnancy can later be grounds for an annulment in the catholic church. So we have to tread lightly there.