Priest discretion. At my parish, the same priest will often alternate between praying the Sactus and Agnes Dei in English, and singing them in Latin. Same thing with prayers…sometimes he will read prayers and other times chant. Sometimes we speak the Our Father and other times we sing. It is up to the priest how he wants to celebrate, although the essential elements are always there. He can do things differently based on how he is feeling each day.Another “high speed Mass” today. I’m getting used to it now, it’ll be strange when our regular priest is back next week!
I won’t lie, I miss the homilies and the sign of peace, but I know they’re optional - and more to the point I know there are millions of good Catholics worldwide who don’t get the chance to go to weekday Mass while my yet-to-be converted self gets to just wander in as an observer, so I pray as fervently as I can and respond as loudly and clearly as I can while I’m there.
Does anyone know the answer to my question above - how is it decided whether the priest will deliver an element of the Mass in English or Latin, and spoken or chanted/sung? Is it just a free choice for the priest that day, or is it following some rubric that we parishioners can use to work out in advance what’s going to happen?
I am a convert too. One thing that always stumped me was the Eucharistic prayer. I wanted to know which one he would be using. I asked and he said there is no way to know. it is up to him to pick what he wants to use each day.