Conversion to the Catholic Church is often a very long and involved process with many people having influence in one’s decision to convert. Who were the key people in your conversion? What did they do or say to help you in that process? I guess what I’m looking for is illustrations of effective ways of evanglisation.
Turning point person my family’s converstion: a teenager, young enough to be my daughter, converted from our church to Catholicism and decided to enter religious life. We asked her why and listened to her story of faith. She very humbly, but very thoroughly answered our objections to her conversion. That encounter led us to search out the truth of what she was saying. Catholic Answers, Journey Home, EWTN, and local Catholic clergy took it from there.
Deep background Catholics who did the prep work on us: Both dh and I were blessed to each have a strong catholic family in our diverse neighborhoods growing up whose devotion to their many kids and their family spirituality together was a witness.
Who led you to the Catholic Church?
Turning point person my family’s converstion: a teenager, young enough to be my daughter, converted from our church to Catholicism and decided to enter religious life. We asked her why and listened to her story of faith. She very humbly, but very thoroughly answered our objections to her conversion. That encounter led us to search out the truth of what she was saying. Catholic Answers, Journey Home, EWTN, and local Catholic clergy took it from there.
Deep background Catholics who did the prep work on us: Both dh and I were blessed to each have a strong catholic family in our diverse neighborhoods growing up whose devotion to their many kids and their family spirituality together was a witness.
Who led you to the Catholic Church?