Coronavirus likely to become as 'endemic' as the flu and a vaccine might not be able to stop it, top UK scientist says

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The following conclusion (“Coronavirus likely to become as ‘endemic’ as the flu”) is virtually necessary considering the physiology that we know of.

If this is the case,
social-distancing policies,
quarantining healthy people, etc.
is planned on being PERMANENT
because the virus will be a PERMANENT fixture in society
(or these mandates will need to change)
just like the flu is a permanent fixture in our society.

Masses (at least indoor Sunday Masses) are still closed in some places (like here).

Coronavirus likely to become as ‘endemic’ as the flu and a vaccine might not be able to stop it, top UK scientist says​


UPDATED TUE, OCT 20 2020 8:38 AM EDT

Holly Ellyatt


  • Covid-19 is likely to become as “endemic” as the annual flu virus, according to the U.K.'s chief scientific advisor.
  • A vaccine is not likely to eradicate the virus, the advisor cautioned.
LONDON — Covid-19 is likely to become as “endemic” as the annual flu virus, according to the U.K.'s chief scientific advisor.

Some potential vaccines are in late-stage clinical trials, but Patrick Vallance said none is likely to eradicate the virus.

“The notion of eliminating Covid from anywhere is not right,
because it will come back,” he said, noting there had only been one human disease “truly eradicated” thanks to a highly effective vaccine and that was smallpox.

“We can’t be certain, but I think it’s unlikely we will end up with a truly sterilizing vaccine, (that is) something that completely stops infection, and it’s likely this disease will circulate and be endemic, that’s my best assessment,” Vallance told the National Security Strategy Committee in London on Monday.

“Clearly as management becomes better, as you get vaccination which would decrease the chance of infection and the severity of disease … this then starts to look more like annual flu than anything else, and that may be the direction we end up going,” he said. . . . .
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I’ve lived enough of life to be absolutely confident that mankind has the type of genius by the grace of God to overcome this virus somehow, someway. In the meantime it is our civil and moral duty to protect the vulnerable among us.
Motherwit . . . .
I’ve lived enough of life to be absolutely confident that mankind has the type of genius by the grace of God to overcome this virus somehow, someway.
Look. You are entitled to embrace those feelings.
Who am I to deny you that?

In the meantime it is our civil and moral duty to protect the vulnerable among us.
And the issue remains, how best to do that.
I’m inclined to believe this. Every year I get a flu shot, but I understand I need to get one every year because the virus changes some from year to year, or an older version returns.

I know it’s not quite the same, but every year I vaccinate cattle for a number of diseases; mostly viruses. And every year I have to do it again. And sometimes one will mutate. There are now no fewer than eight versions of the diseases commonly referred to as “pinkeye”. I realize smallpox got eradicated (unless somebody steals some from a lab somewhere) but I think that’s very unusual.

This “novel” virus we call Covid 19 is, I fear, here to stay, just as is the coronavirus that’s really responsible for 20% of what we call “colds”.
Ridgerunner . . .
I realize smallpox got eradicated (unless somebody steals some from a lab somewhere) but I think that’s very unusual.
Smallpox is the perfect virus for an IgG mediated vaccine.

The damage of smallpox is via blood spread (hematogenous).

Since vaccines stimulate blood antibody (IgG, IgM earlier), smallpox gets neutralized in the bloodstream promptly.

But this is not quite the same for corona virus as smallpox.


Because corona virus causes much (not all but much) of its havoc against the respiratory lining (respiratory epithelium). Since the corona virus has access to these respiratory cells, OUTSIDE of a blood environment, the damage is done (on the respiratory lining at least) BEFORE it hits the bloodstream.

You breathe corona virus in. Or you touch your mucous membranes and it “slinkys” down the airway.

You don’t blood transport it into the respiratory lining.

So what good is the IgG that lies in wait for coronavirus, but IN the bloodstream, going to do for a coronavirus virion, that is attacking a respiratory epithelial cell DIRECTLY via the airway?

Not much. (If we had technology to stimulate IgA - mucosal antibody - this could be highly beneficial but right now we don’t have such technology short of real infections and the body’s response.)

Such an IgG mediated vaccine MAY be helpful in minimizing distant organ damage as it then passes through the blood . . . But that is dependent upon the corona virus not “shuffling its genetic deck” since your vaccine was formulated. And it assumes you made IgG in response to your antigen challenge in the vaccine (many times there is none).

This is the same problem for influenza, and is WHY vaccines are so ineffective in this regard for influenza too.

Don’t get me wrong. The influenza vaccine MAY be helpful to a certain individual, in a certain year, regarding a certain vaccine formulation.

But it MAY be useless in a given individual too for the reasons outlined above.

Corona virus will be endemic (vaccine or no vaccine) with current vaccine technology.

So the masking-up,
the social distancing,
the quarantining of HEALTHY individuals,
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being shutdown in some areas (like here) with few exceptions . . .

. . . All will have to be permanent . . . .
. . . Or. . . These draconian mandates are going to have to change.
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Corona virus will be endemic (vaccine or no vaccine) with current vaccine technology.

So the masking-up,
the social distancing,
the quarantining of HEALTHY individuals,
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being shutdown in some areas (like here) with few exceptions . . .

. . . All will have to be permanent . . . .
. . . Or. . . These draconian mandates are going to have to change.
Thank you for this very important information. I say the draconian measures have to change. In some places, they already have. If people perceive (and many do) that exposure to the disease is almost certainly inevitable, they will opt as much for normalcy as possible.
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