Corpus Christi processions

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but it is not as real to us as when we worthily receive it (Him). It can’t possibly be.
Joe I really don’t see where you’re coming from. In the parishes I attend greater than 95% of the people over the age of reason who attend Mass go up for communion. Every single time they attend.

The same would be true of almost all parishes in North America, Britain, Europe, and highly likely in the rest of the world too. Is the percentage different in your parish? What harm then if they then ALSO take part in Adoration or a Eucharistic procession?

At the same time, sadly, not every parish has a Corpus Christi procession or even Adoration. So these events possibly (though even that is highly arguable) attract people from MORE than one parish into those churches or neighbourhoods that have them. So the numbers may look to be bigger or something, but in reality they aren’t.

People are indisputably NOT attending processions or Adoration at the expense of communicating. IF they do both, regardless of when it is, more power to them. It’s simply enhancing all these events to do them in proximity to each other.

If people don’t communicate, it’s usually because they can’t, for extraordinary and perfectly legitimate reasons, and it’s STILL better for them to take part in a Eucharistic procession or attend Adoration than not. You appear to think that is it better to do neither if you can’t do both? What makes you think that?

On the other hand, would you rather everyone, mortal sin or no, communicated??? What precisely do you think should happen here?
I suspect the original poster is a troll who has appeared in connection with Corpus Christi’s recent observance.
Perhaps so.

I would just like to say that I watched a Eucharistic Procession on EWTN the other night and thought it was absolutely beautiful. Sadly, I’ve never seen one first-hand; I didn’t know about this tradition to begin with, but moreover, I don’t ever recall any of the parishes I’ve belonged to in the past (or present) actually celebrating it. I asked my mom about it and she told me that when she was a girl, she and my aunts participated in a few–but this 50 years ago now.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with doing a Eucharistic Procession directly before or after Mass–I don’t understand what the big deal is, one way or the other, because regardless of when it’s done, the purpose is the same: glorifying our Lord.
Whenever these threads appear, two things usually happen:
  1. The person complaining about Catholic Eucharistic adoration/processions/other practices surrounding the Eucharist, including communion under one species, starts quoting Scripture to support their view;
  2. The person further makes a positive contrast between Catholicism and Orthodoxy, with the latter as supposedly free from these deleterious, erroneous Eucharistic practices.
Catholicism is founded on Sacred Scripture AND Sacred Tradition. Sacred Tradition makes ample provision for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. As advised, go read Thomas Aquinas.
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