Correcting Thread Titles and Moving Threads

Seems like Regulars can no longer correct thread titles or move threads to proper categories.

I tried to correct a spelling error in a title earlier and the function was gone. Some folks in the Lounge noticed the same.

What’s up with that? That was a very useful function, and helped us keep the forum orderly, since many new members don’t understand the whole “category” thing and just start their thread wherever they happen to be. Would be nice to see the function restored, perhaps with a “dumping ground” subcategory for moving threads started by obvious trolls so we don’t have to clutter the lounge with those.

Or do we need to pay another couple bucks to get access to that function? 😆
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Any response to this question?

In the 5 days since I posted it, we’ve had several glaring spelling errors in thread titles that no one on here can fix and that CA moderators don’t have the bandwidth to fix (which we understand).

This morning a new poster has also started a substantive discussion thread in Prayer Intentions. Someone else started a prayer thread in the middle of Vocations. There is no way to move these threads out to a more suitable category.

Any hope of this function being restored to regulars, or to patrons, or to a subgroup of folks?

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By the way, still looking into this. I was busy last week and over the weekend with my daughter’s wedding. Your patience in these matters would be appreciated.
No problem, just making sure it doesn’t fall off the queue and get swept into the dustbin.
I’m not going anywhere unless the Lord takes me.