Great story about Griffith Observatory. Every time I go to science museums (including Griffith), I see the same propaganda on the Foucalt pendulums. I can only think that they mean ‘we know the earth rotates on its axis, and this is a demonstration of it’. Of course that is not what the little plaque on the display typically states.I’ve had a feeling that something is happening behind the scenes when I’ve gone to Griffith Park Observatory lately. There is an ‘atmosphere’ (sorry) a ‘climate’ (uhhh…) a, how shall we say, an ambiance of uncertainty hanging heavy in the air all around the place. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it seems there is some kind of lurking disturbance afoot that nobody wants to talk about.
One thing I’ve found curious is that when they set up the Foucault pendulum dominoes, then stand back and watch them fall over one at a time, the docent seems to be ill-at-ease whenever a visitor asks certain questions. One time, the docent actually excused himself and said he had to go answer an important phone call. It seemed like he was trying to escape an uncomfortable situation because he was not able to satisfactorily reply to one particular question. After he left, a discussion ensued among the visitors and some walked away seemingly disgusted at what was being said, but others stayed to listen, and I was among those. It was pretty interesting, because it seems that the docents and astronomers are only willing to go so far, and then they want to change topic. But other visitors are having a free discussion that is in some ways more interesting than the “official” presentation.
Now, I just watched the “trailer” in your link above, hildegaard. But I had to use a search engine to make it open. Here is a link that actually opens the trailer page:
I must say, thinking back perhaps those I spoke to at the Observatory had also seen this trailer. But I have no idea, because they weren’t talking about it. Now, I’ll have to go back and find out, because I have more information to go on. Do you know where I can read more about this new movie coming up? When is it going to be released?
I have a feeling that the premature announcement of the BICEP2 results, and consequent premature champagne toast (the only true big bang in the entire affair) may have been prompted by The Principle. ( youtu.be/ZlfIVEy_YOA )
BTW- my original link works for me, so maybe it is a browser issue for you?
Have you read this article yet?