Could be soon now, getting excited!

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Many of you may know I am around 38 weeks along. With the first two, I never felt any contractions until labor began. This one has been different all the way through. I actually felt Braxton-Hicks for the first time with this one, a month or two ago. But after a few of them in about two weeks span, they stopped. Well, last night at church, I started having contractions! Not regular or increasing in strentgh or anythign like that, and the kid keeps moving around a lot in between, so I know it isn’t “real” labor yet. But they haven’t stoppped either. The longest I have gone in between feeling them is about an hour. Mostly I feel them every 20-30 minutes or so, with some quick ones in between here and there. I am thinking maybe I am not so far away as they thought. I stayed home from work today.

Of course, the baby’s room is still a shambles, we don’t have names picked out yet, and my MIL is probably going to show up at my door step anytime now since DH told her. The house is a mess. But I am still getting rather excited. Now where is that burst of nesting energy I am supposed to have to help me get this place whipped into shape?
Forget the house … forget the MIL … the only thing you have to focus on now is the last two weeks…CONGRATZ.

Keep us posted 😃
Congratulations!!! Isn’t life great!!!
I had a baby this year at 38 weeks, so reading your thread reminded me of the whole experience. Having a baby is so wonderful!!! :dancing: Such a precious gift!!! Don’t forget to take advantage of this great opportunity offering up any pain etc for any intention you may have or to help your little one reach Heaven.
I am so very happy for you and I pray for a safe delivery!
. Now where is that burst of nesting energy I am supposed to have to help me get this place whipped into shape?
Spent on taking care of the little ones! I NEVER had nesting energy with my third child.

I’ll pray for the Blessed Mother to be with you!

Just make sure that if your water breaks…get wherever you need to be fast…I had my little one in 1 1/2 hours after my water broke! So, number three can come quickly!

Good luck to you!
I spent my “extra” time (ha, ha) right before delivery playing with my older two kids, seeing as they would be getting less attention shortly. Maybe have them help you “sort out” the new baby’s room? What an exciting time! I remember it fondly. God bless your family!
I totally understand your excitement! I am 37 weeks and feeling lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions the last few days.

To me, the last 3 weeks of pregnancy feel longer than the whole 9 months! An exercise in patience, to be sure!
To me, the last 3 weeks of pregnancy feel longer than the whole 9 months! An exercise in patience, to be sure!
Boy do I ever agree! I’ll turn 38 weeks on Sunday and have been having fairly intense Braxton Hicks contractions for a couple months already. I’ve loved being pregnant but I’m anxious now to meet my son! He will be our firstborn. I’m trying not to get too excited over every little pain… but I can hardly help it.
Congrats! 🙂 Everything will go smoothly, I’m sure! 😃

Could somebody explain to me what “Braxton Hicks” are? :confused: I have an idea, but want to know more. 🙂
Braxton Hicks are contractions… (like mini ones) but they don’t progress & you aren’t actually in labor. They are like the warm up to the real thing. I thought I was in labor when I had Braxton Hicks… until I was ACTUALLY IN LABOR. It’s sort of like standing out in the drizzling rain and wondering if that’s what a hurricane is like vs. BEING IN A HURRICANE.

Congratuations all you soon to deliver Moms! I am jealous! Someone mentioned she didn’t have names yet… I think AVA is a beautiful name… (but there’s a certain someone in Florida who’d rather you NOT use that name! 😉 )

Don’t forget to breathe!
braxton hicks get the baby’s lungs ready too. the more BH you have now the less labor you’ll have when it happens so enjoy!!!
To all the soon to be mommies:


I’m so deeply happy for all of you! Enjoy the rest while you can! You’ll need it! :bounce:
Thanks for the information, guys! 🙂 I keep hearing it, and had the idea, but am glad that I had the right idea!

Don’t forget to post a picture of you new one when you get to feeling up to it! 😃
Thanks all! I had never heard this one
the more BH you have now the less labor you’ll have when it happens so enjoy!!!
before. Like I said, with 1 & 2 I never felt them at all. The contractions started around 5:30 Wednesday night and didn’t stop until after I woke up 5:00 from a nap Thursday. So almost 24 hours pretty steady. I have only had 2-3 that I felt today. But I took off of work, so I can stick around home. We live 5 minutes from the hospital. I’m actually hoping that I don’t go into real labor just yet, until I can get the house picked up (call it female vanity, I just know everyone will be coming by the house when the even occurs, and I’d like it to look more “lived in” and less “recently ransacked”. And of course, NAMES. Anyone got a middle name that will flow nicely with Shannon? DH likes Shannon Marie, but I am not crazy about that. I was thinking maybe Shannon Rose, but so far nothign just sounds right, ya know? And boy names, we’re all over the place with.

I LOVE that description of labor. It is soooo true. My regular appointment is on Monday. I’ll keep you guys posted!
I have decided to become the resident, online official forum AUNTIE…so all of you are now in my daily prayers and I predict a bumper crop of happy, healthy Catholic Nieces and Nephews for me to ‘cyber spoil’.


Oh - and I think you should go with Shannon Rose.

Rose for St. Therese the Little Flower and because she can be your 'wild Irish …" ok, you get it…lololol:love:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Shannon Marie!!! It’s beautiful.

May I steal it? 😉

Kidding! Hope you’re feeling well today and that you go into labor the minute after your house is picked up to your satisfaction!
I know you are so excited:D Best wishes to you and your growing family. I like Shannon Rose it’s very pretty. A boy well, my little grandson was born this past Wed. (sept. 14) and his name is Ryan Michael. I really like that name. Also Joseph is my all time favorite boy name.
Whoa…That’s so odd! You were asking for a middle name that flows nicely with Shannon…and before I read the part that your husband likes Shannon Marie, I thought “Ohh…Shannon Marie sounds good”…The reason I thought of that first is because Marie is my middle name. haha. Shannon Rose sounds good too. 🙂
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