Could be soon now, getting excited!

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Thanks all! I had never heard this one before. Like I said, with 1 & 2 I never felt them at all. The contractions started around 5:30 Wednesday night and didn’t stop until after I woke up 5:00 from a nap Thursday. So almost 24 hours pretty steady. I have only had 2-3 that I felt today. But I took off of work, so I can stick around home. We live 5 minutes from the hospital. I’m actually hoping that I don’t go into real labor just yet, until I can get the house picked up (call it female vanity, I just know everyone will be coming by the house when the even occurs, and I’d like it to look more “lived in” and less “recently ransacked”. And of course, NAMES. Anyone got a middle name that will flow nicely with Shannon? DH likes Shannon Marie, but I am not crazy about that. I was thinking maybe Shannon Rose, but so far nothign just sounds right, ya know? And boy names, we’re all over the place with.

I LOVE that description of labor. It is soooo true. My regular appointment is on Monday. I’ll keep you guys posted!
I didn’t know for certain what I would name my first daughter until I went into “real” labor at 4 am, sneaked into the bathroom and soaked /relaxed/labored in the warm tub for an hour or two while I let my husband sleep, and then the name just came to me. She was going to be Isabella Rose, but when I went into labor I wanted to name her after my grandma, Molly Rose. I want to have another baby so badly I can’t stand it!
DH and I were talking about names in the car tonight. I think he may just be starting to humor me just so we can pick a name. I was thinkng about the old movie “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”, and how the one brother was named Frankencense (sp?). I mentioned it to DH, and he thought that might not be bad for a middle name. Weird. I guess you never know until you trot it out. I would have expected him to turn that one down flat.

I agree Shannon Marie flows very nicely, I’m just not sure I like it. You know, kind of waiting for that striking feeling of “That’s it!” But we both like Shannon. And I think Shannon Rose might end up being the first choice. Current kids’ names are:

Alexandra Catherine (5 1/2)
Sean Michael (2 weeks away from 4)

(Yes, Dh is Irish) I did bring up to DH that if we go with Shannon, the kids’s first initials will be A, S, and S. The things you worry about when picking names!

By the way, does anyone know if there is a “proper” Irish spelling of Shannon? My Gealic is terrible. I know just enough to be dangerous. We purposely went with Sean and not Shawn.

Cyber Aunts (and Uncles) are more than welcome. And of course, anyone is free to steel any of the names they like! I am not hung up on that, but I do feel a certain obligation not to use a name that is already in the (near) family. For confusion sake more than anything else.
oh my…AS__ that can be a problem. My little grandaughter only 2 but my daughter and son-in-law didn’t realized when naming her Emily that their last name begins with a Z hence–“EZ-(easy)” We all know how mean kids can be and we pray no one else realizes this as she grows into teen years.
Yep, I practically obsessed over: what will the initials spell, are they any “bad” nicknames that could come of this, and the like with the first one. I thought we were 100% ok, until a few weeks after the birth, when a friend pointed out it could be shortened to Alley Cat. I never thought of that one, since we never even considered calling her Alley! Oh well. :rolleyes:
ohhh how cool, My MIL was raised in Ireland. I’m pretty sure that is the proper Irish spelling THat is how the river is spelled.
TAS, don’t worry too much about the BH. Mine increased with each pregnancy. And my labor was shorter with each one too! 🙂

As for names, I wouldn’t worry too much about it (although it’s hard not to isn’t it?). God will make sure you know the baby’s name before too long. My second one didn’t have a name for 2 days! Boy were the nurses mad at us! 😉 She turned out to be Ella Marie. The only one we knew ahead of time was our son, Jonathon Thomas.

All you pregos in here are starting to make me jealous! I wonder why I’m still not pregnant again? :hmmm: Oh well, everything in God’s good time, right? Congratulations everyone!! 👍
Hey all! Just wanted to update you guys. I had my Dr. appointment today, dialated to 2cm. He says if I do not go into labor before hand, they will induce me on Monday. So hopefully we will have our new bundle of squaling, red-faced joy within a week!

After several long talks, we have finally come up with some tentatively agreed on names. (I always like to reserve final judgement until the child is seen so we can do the “Well, he doesn’t look anything like a ____!”) For a boy, Noah Duncan (the 3 yr old really backed me up on that one). And for a girl Shannon Rose. We have some alternates, but nothing solid.

Boy, I’ll say, the nurses got real cranky w/#1 when we took almost 2 days to name her. They like to get their paperwork done.
Ooooo! How exciting! Me thinks yar gonna have a baby this week!

(oops, sorry, “Talk Like A Pirate” Day was yesterday…) 😃
I’m actually hoping that I don’t go into real labor just yet, until I can get the house picked up (call it female vanity, I!
I called DH to come home from work after several long-distance phone calls with mom assured me I was in labor with #1, and while waiting for him to hitch a ride decided to clean up the apartment. I had already showered but walking around got my barefeet dirty. When he came home I was standing at the bathroom sink trying to wash my feet and it must have looked pretty funny (actually trying to stick my foot under the fauctet) He just said gently, why don’t you run a little water in the tub and stand in there to wash your feet.

For #2 I was trying to get all the diapers washed so SIL would have them, as she was going to take #1 for a few days until I got out of the hospital. We had only a small Hoover port-a-washer with spin dry so I had to hang them outside to dry. Got a rhythm going, hang a diaper, hang a diaper, contraction, hang a diaper . . . #2 was a month late, so DH had finally taken time to golf, and of course was nowhere around, and all my neighbors were gone to a wedding. SIL showed up just because she had a feeling I might need her, so I made it with about 45 minutes to spare.
After several long talks, we have finally come up with some tentatively agreed on names. (I always like to reserve final judgement until the child is seen so we can do the “Well, he doesn’t look anything like a ____!”) .
I agree, wait till you get a good look at him/her. trouble is they change so fast, who knows what they really look like. Mine all looked like my dad at first (like a skinny bald Winston Churchill). Had false labor with #3 so doc told me to relax, to to the mall, which I did, and had her that evening. Only had about an hour to make it, she came really fast once she decided to get moving (a trait she still has today).
Ooooo! How exciting! Me thinks yar gonna have a baby this week!

(oops, sorry, “Talk Like A Pirate” Day was yesterday…) 😃
Talk like a pirate day is every day in my house! Aye!
I know you are excited, Pretty sooon!!!👍 I like Noah that is a very nice name. Strong and powerful, I like it!!! As a retired nurse tell those ladies to hold their horses. A name is something your child posses for the rest of their life, it takes time. Even if you have a name picked out as my sister did for her son, she changed it because he “look” more like a Brian then a Jonathan (the name they picked) Best wishes for you, your husband and your little darling.
So excited for you! We were still getting the nursery ready when ds came home!

I like Noah!
One of my online friends (somewhere else) had a Noah in August and he is a strong little boy. He has already survived open heart surgery and is doing great.
Hi all! Feeling really sore yesterday and today. Just overall everything aches. I think I’ve been trying to overdo it too much. We had a heck of a storm last night, and while it was pouring, thundering, and lightening, I was having more contractions. These were about 10 minutes apart, but still not too strong, so I was able to drift off for a while. They stopped after about 4 hours though. I was trying to remember if it was wait until they are 5 minutes apart, or what before going in. Jeez, this is my third one, you’d think I’d have it down pat by now! I wouldn’t be surprised if this baby came this week. It looks as though we will probably still be getting the nursery ready after this one comes home. Oh well!
Hi all! Feeling really sore yesterday and today. Just overall everything aches. I think I’ve been trying to overdo it too much. We had a heck of a storm last night, and while it was pouring, thundering, and lightening, I was having more contractions. These were about 10 minutes apart, but still not too strong, so I was able to drift off for a while. They stopped after about 4 hours though. I was trying to remember if it was wait until they are 5 minutes apart, or what before going in. Jeez, this is my third one, you’d think I’d have it down pat by now! I wouldn’t be surprised if this baby came this week. It looks as though we will probably still be getting the nursery ready after this one comes home. Oh well!
Most docs tell you 5 minutes between contractions. That depends on a lot of factors though (how far are you from the hospital, are they really consistant or vary from 5-10 minutes each, etc.)

Don’t feel bad…I’m on #4 and I can’t remember squat when it comes to some things. I honestly believe that becoming a mom messes with your brain. The more kids you have, the more things escape you, like their names for example! I used to swear up and down I would never forget what my childrens names were when I had none, or just one. I didn’t want to do what my mom did, go through my brother and sister’s names and get so frustrated at forgetting who she was yelling at that she didn’t care if my name got called or not, she’d just yell at all of us instead.

I hated that.

But now I’m doing it :o . My soon to be 4 year old is very articulate and hasn’t figured out yet that it’s not good to correct mommy especially when mommy is already frustrated!

I have no room for this new baby. All 4 children will be in a 9ft x 10ft room together. Finding money to redo the attic is a trick since we are lucky to pay our bills on time. I haven’t even taken down the basinette or found any infant clothes so I can wash them and prepare for the coming of this child.

I’ve had plenty of contractions these past couple of days. Nothing consistant, but they’re very noticable. I’m only 35 1/2 weeks along and I still have the cervical stitch in. Hopefully doc will remove it monday when I go see her. That way if I go into labor, that’s one less thing I have to worry about.

I pray all goes well with you and your new miracle! God bless!
UGH, YES! I feel especially bad when I call one of the kids by one of the dog’s names! We got the bassinet set up, and the 0-3 months clothes unpacked and washed, but they are still sitting in the laundry baskey. I have no bag packed, the crib is still in the basement, and the “nursery” is a mess. We are lucky enought ot have three BR’s, so the older two are in a bunk bed for now, and the baby will be in the other room. Once we find our gender, and it gets a little older, we’ll divide them up differently.

There were 5 of us kids growing up, so hardly anybody had a room to themselves. And we usually got called by one long conglomerate name “MaryJamesAnneJoesephFaith” Get in here! 😃
UGH, YES! I feel especially bad when I call one of the kids by one of the dog’s names! We got the bassinet set up, and the 0-3 months clothes unpacked and washed, but they are still sitting in the laundry baskey. I have no bag packed, the crib is still in the basement, and the “nursery” is a mess. We are lucky enought ot have three BR’s, so the older two are in a bunk bed for now, and the baby will be in the other room. Once we find our gender, and it gets a little older, we’ll divide them up differently.

There were 5 of us kids growing up, so hardly anybody had a room to themselves. And we usually got called by one long conglomerate name “MaryJamesAnneJoesephFaith” Get in here! 😃
We have 5 cats…I’ve gone through a couple of their names (especially when talking to my oldest who takes care of them) and she laughs at me when I’ve calmed down.

We bought our 2 bedroom house 5 years ago because we only had one daughter. She was 6 when we moved here. We couldn’t get pregnant again even after infertility treatments. We moved in in December 2000 and was pregnant with baby #2 by March '01 (got preggers in Feb.) It was perfect, we had 2 girls, they could share the room.

Got preggers in June 2003 with baby #3, turned out to be a boy. We bought bunk beds for the girls, kept the crib up and gradually transitioned # 2 from crib to toddler bed to big girl bed. We thought we were done and figured we would have a couple years to work on the attic so the girls could be separated from their brother eventually.

I found out I was pregnant again on March 8th, three weeks after my son turned one. I simply cried.

But I’m realizing that God has a plan and purpose for this baby as well as my other 3.

I just wish I had the energy to dig for the baby clothes. Hubby has to get the bassinette down from the attic, I can’t be on my feet much now and really shouldn’t climb stairs. It’s bad enough I have to go down cellar to dig through boxes. Hubby doesn’t have a clue what I need to find.

I’d like to stay pregnant for at least another week and a half, or more. I was 36 weeks when second daughter came, she was fine, so was my son at 37 weeks. We’ll see how long I go with this one. Time’s flying though.

God bless!
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