
I didn’t know for certain what I would name my first daughter until I went into “real” labor at 4 am, sneaked into the bathroom and soaked /relaxed/labored in the warm tub for an hour or two while I let my husband sleep, and then the name just came to me. She was going to be Isabella Rose, but when I went into labor I wanted to name her after my grandma, Molly Rose. I want to have another baby so badly I can’t stand it!Thanks all! I had never heard this one before. Like I said, with 1 & 2 I never felt them at all. The contractions started around 5:30 Wednesday night and didn’t stop until after I woke up 5:00 from a nap Thursday. So almost 24 hours pretty steady. I have only had 2-3 that I felt today. But I took off of work, so I can stick around home. We live 5 minutes from the hospital. I’m actually hoping that I don’t go into real labor just yet, until I can get the house picked up (call it female vanity, I just know everyone will be coming by the house when the even occurs, and I’d like it to look more “lived in” and less “recently ransacked”. And of course, NAMES. Anyone got a middle name that will flow nicely with Shannon? DH likes Shannon Marie, but I am not crazy about that. I was thinking maybe Shannon Rose, but so far nothign just sounds right, ya know? And boy names, we’re all over the place with.
I LOVE that description of labor. It is soooo true. My regular appointment is on Monday. I’ll keep you guys posted!