I don’t base this on anything. Im repeating what the sisters of a convent told me. The whole of my post is a report of what I was told by nuns, not any opinion of my own.
Ok, it might be the experience with them and to be appreciated, but should not be taken as the norm everywhere.I don’t base this on anything. Im repeating what the sisters of a convent told me. The whole of my post is a report of what I was told by nuns, not any opinion of my own.
It depends what and why and the reason. Sometimes its much easier promising obedience because of fidelity to God. Once the kids are grown and gone, life changes.Well I could easily believe it. The older one gets, the harder obedience becomes. And theclife of a mother is particularly demanding and full of responsibility which must make it a real wrench.
I am happy that you are pursuing RCIA. I think you need to put the brakes on and slow down. Become Catholic and live with that for a while before deciding what you want to do.Thank you for your message and your detailed reply. I am in the process of RCIA so my knowledge is lacking in this area.
Traditionally yes. And I agree. It’s common sense, as words have a mean.It is incorrect that a non virgin can be a Consecrated Virgin. This has been clarified by the US association of consecrated virgins and I believe, Cardinal Burke and others.
I have understand that it is more than “not being sure that something had happened or not”I think it came down to this: if the woman was at a party, and she wasn’t sure if she had relations while drunk, and she kept herself pure before and since then, she would be considered for the Order of Virgins.
Depends on what you mean by Third Order. If you’re referring to lay Orders, then I don’t know of any that require a promise of chastity. I have done no such thing as a lay Dominican myself.third order