I came across a list of occultic powers called Siddhis that are usually achieved through yoga and meditation. Regarding the death and resurrection of Jesus, could he have used these to deceive people (intentionally or unintentionally):
Being declared dead and coming back to life again.
Swacchand Mrityu: This is the ability to simulate death in a deep trance through cessation of breathing and heartbeat. It also gives the ability to die at the time of one’s own choosing. It also gives the ability to do “astral traveling”, “lucid dreaming”, going about in the subtle realm consciously, and then return to the entranced or sleeping body when one chooses.
The empty tomb.
Siddhi III.21. Disappearance of the body from view
Here is the link with all the siddhis. Alot of them are similar to the miracles of Jesus. I wouldn’t read them if one is weak in faith though.
Being declared dead and coming back to life again.
Swacchand Mrityu: This is the ability to simulate death in a deep trance through cessation of breathing and heartbeat. It also gives the ability to die at the time of one’s own choosing. It also gives the ability to do “astral traveling”, “lucid dreaming”, going about in the subtle realm consciously, and then return to the entranced or sleeping body when one chooses.
The empty tomb.
Siddhi III.21. Disappearance of the body from view
Here is the link with all the siddhis. Alot of them are similar to the miracles of Jesus. I wouldn’t read them if one is weak in faith though.