Recently there was a post on the subject of Free Will and why God allows the “weeds” to be planted along with the “wheat”. The discussion on that thread reminded me of when I was in the Novitiate of the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd.
I am asking to be advised if Mary did have a choice at the Annunciation or if due to being conceived without the stain of Original Sin it was not possible to her to say "No’ to God’s request. I am requesting answers that are in line with the doctrines and teachings of Holy Mother Church. Thank you.
The novice master thought us in class that Mary was the Immaculate Conception. She was conceived without the stain of Original Sin on her soul. She was not able to "willingly" commit a sin. In turn when the Arch Angel Gabriel came to Mary and announced God's plan in her live to be the mother of Jesus that it would not be possible for her to say "No". For Blessed Mother to say "No" to the Arch Angel Gabriel would be a rejection of God's will in her life and that would constitute sin. Mary's choices were good, better or best and that Blessed Mary choose the best response to God's request.
A couple of years ago I attended a prayer service at St. Thomas Aquinas of Charlotte, NC. At that time a Litany was prayer and one of the petitions indicated that Mary choose to say Yes at the Annunciation. I asked the priest who was a Capuchin Franciscan on this matter explaining what I had been thought at the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd Novitiate. He advised me that the novice master was wrong and that Mary could have choosen to say "No".