Jeffrey, you are completely wrong about this “unilateral disarmament” business. Here’s why:
Like it or not, what we are doing works, and has worked since both the US and the Soviets obtained nuclear weapons. The fact is that the US nuclear arsenal has worked to deter soviet aggression, so much so that we won the Cold War.
And yet you want us to unilaterally throw that away.
That makes no sense whatsoever.
Perhaps I can suggest you write to “vlad the impaler” Putin and ask HIM to unilaterally disarm. Seriously. Why do WE have to? Why can’t HE do so?
It would be great if Holy Scripture supported the idea that the nuclear stand-off between the USA and Russia could go on forever (or at least until the Second Coming.)
Then I would have to say that you are absolutely right.
Unfortunately Scripture indicates otherwise:
The nations have sunk into a pit of their own making,
they are caught by the feet in the snare they set themselves.
YHWH has. . .trapped the wicked in the work of their own hands. Psalm 9:15-16
**Go into the hollows of the rocks,
into the caverns of the earth,
at the sight of the terror of YHWH,
at the brilliance of His majesty . . .**Isaiah 2:19
**For see how YHWH comes in fire,
His chariots like the tempest,
to assuage His anger with burning,
His threats with flaming fire.
For by fire will YHWH execute judgment,
and by His sword against all mankind.
The victims of YHWH will be many.** Isaiah 66:15-16
**For YHWH is indicting the nations,
arraigning all flesh for judgment;
the wicked He abandons to the sword . . .
See! The disaster spreads
from nation to nation,
a mighty tempest rises
from the far ends of the world.
Those slaughtered by YHWH that day will be scattered across the world from end to end.
No dirge will be raised for them; no one will gather them or bury them; they will stay lying on the surface like dung. **Jeremiah 25:31-33
I have come to bring a fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already! Luke 12:49
**We have been admonished in no uncertain terms to forego retribution, to return good for evil, to always treat others as we would like them to treat us, and to trust in our Creator for our future well-being.
The building of a massive force of nuclear retaliation goes against our Creator’s Laws. It is offensive to Him.
Our choice in the USA is to disarm and live under a Russian nuclear umbrella or suffer the ravages of global nuclear war.
I prefer the former, if for no other reason than that would be an action in compliance with our Teacher’s Holy Instructions. **