The Five Ways ( and more ) of Thomas Aquinas were formulated on the assumption ( for the sake of argument only ) that the universe was eternal. Given that assumption, God would have been eternally creating the universe out of nothing, for the things of this universe are, and have been, " eternally " moving/changing from one potential state of existence to another actual state of existence.Evidently you didn’t read the OP, which anticipated that response:
Also, to add to Tomdstone’s earlier point, the argument against there being an “infinite past” is flawed. The assumption is that it would take an “infinite amount of time” to get from the “beginning” of the universe to this point. The flaw is the assumption that there is a beginning of time. If that kind of argument worked, we couldn’t have an infinite number line in the first place.
You can only measure the time interval between two points. “Infinitely far in the past” is not a definite point in time.
Such beings, composed of potentiality and actuality, cannot bring themselves into existence. For that would mean they actually existed before they caused themselves to exist, a clear impossibility. There must exist therefore a Being, an Unmoved Mover, that is purely actual, which, for that reason, is eternal, which is absolutely other that the composed beings of this universe, and who creates, eternally, the beings of this universe - or of any universe.
" .Re: Eternal Creation Ex Nihilo vs Modern Cosmology
I would like to quote one sentence by Thomas Aquinas from De Potentia, Question 3, Artical V, from the footnote #42 in Carroll’s presentation ( see link in the O.P. ), which is just astounding.
" Thus reason proves and faith holds that all things are created by God…" of course you must keep the distinction between the two concepts of creation. Only creation in time out of nothing is De Fide. Creation by origin is open to reason.
Philosophers who have often struggled to explain why the First Way of Thomas is relevant will immediately recognize the importance of being able to say the Unmoved Mover moves the universe by an eternal creation ( of origin, not in time ) of the matter and form of substances along with their inner act of existence. ( see Carrolls paper above and De Potentia, Question 3, Article V ). "