For those discerning marriage…dating and the like is weird. Once you get to a certain age, it’s like having some kind of medical condition where everyone is offering you their favorite home remedy, you try it, but none of them work. There’s also an air of gambling-like superstition that comes into play (like “I spun around six times, tapped my foot, and smiled to the East seven times before going out for the day…that’s when I finally met my husband!”).
I understand why, logically, people say to get out more and “try” more…but in many of our experiences, quantity does not equal success, or even a likelier chance of success. The world just does not work like that. It may seem so, but we all know people who were not trying at all and had a windfall and others who go on dates every night of the week and are still single.
Personally, I’m at a very strange age, where I don’t know if I should try and “beat the clock” for motherhood or just let it go, focus on work, and then try and find someone when I’m as established as I’m going to be in life. While I am sad about losing that chance in life, I don’t know if it’s a healthy approach to try and hustle up a husband last minute just to make the cut. If I really, truly felt like I was called to be a mother above all else…I would have done that years ago. When I was in my early twenties, I was dating a man who plainly said that he wanted to have kids, but that he would not hesitate to leave once we “outgrew each other.” I could have said “OK” and have had wonderful children with him. We’ll never know.
I’m also an ethnic minority…and not just any ethnic minority…the ethnic minority that has the most trouble finding a spouse (yes, even- perhaps especially- within my own group). I can’t change the world we live in and several centuries of prejudice. The reality is, in a world where we can shop for a spouse like we’re on a website that rhymes with Blamalon, some of us will have a much, much, much (much) smaller pool to choose from than others. I’m not saying “nobody wants me”…I’m just explaining why being out there more might be a better remedy for some more than others. This is part of what I was touching on when I said that it may be possible that some of us have vocations that cannot be lived out in the world as it is today.
I’ll be honest- I haven’t been pounding the pavement of online dating sites lately because I’ve been focused on other areas of my life. When I was on them, I did talk with and even met a handful of men, each of whom was kind, thoughtful, and respectful. When they chose other women, most even messaged me to let me know, which I very much appreciated in the age of “ghosting”…So I will say, to the ladies that are out there in online dating world- it’s not all bad. There are men out there who will respect you, you can meet them and talk with them and get to know them.