Yes, that’s why we have the Catechism of the Catholic Church to guide people out of confusion.
Authentic interpretation is ongoing, entrusted to a living magisterium guided by the Spirit, not the dead letter of “stable formulas.” St John XXIII established that in his opening address to the Council, when he noted the difference between the truth we teach and the formulas that we use to teach it.the task of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed on, has been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church. DV 10
I guess I get something very different from Auctorem Fidem than you do. It seems to me to condemn the notion that conciliar documents are ambiguous, which I thought was your position? My resolution is to rely on the living magisterium, but you seem to have an alternative? I cannot figure out what it is.The proposition, which asserts “that in these later times there has been spread a general obscuring of the more important truths pertaining to religion, which are the basis of faith and of the moral teachings of Jesus Christ,”—heretical. Auctorem Fidem