Courage Apostolate

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Courage, an apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church, ministers to those with same-sex attractions to help them lead chaste lives in accordance with the Church’s teaching on same-sex attraction.
I’m curious to know how many people have heard of this and what they think of it. This organization has saved my life. Sometimes I get discouraged and wonder if this isn’t one of the best kept secrets in the Church. I get the feeling that many lay people and clergy don’t know this apostolate is around.

I also wonder what the people who do know about Courage think about it. I get the feeling that some people in the Church don’t approve. Some may get it confused with Dignity or Exodus or a reparational group.
I guess I didn’t give enough information.

Courage is a Catholic apostolate for people with same-sex attractions (homosexuals). This apostolate welcomes homosexuals in to the Church with the rest of the sinners, but instead of approving of their lifestyle, they help them lead chaste lives and stop the homosexual behavior which is sinful.

Here are the five goals of the ministry and of each member.
  1. Live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality [human sexuality]. (Chastity)
  2. Dedicate ones [entire] life to Christ through service to others, spiritual reading, prayer, meditation, individual spiritual direction, frequent attendance at Mass, and the frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. (Prayer and Dedication)
  3. Foster a spirit of fellowship in which all may share thoughts and experiences, and so ensure that no one will have to face the problems of homosexuality [same-sex attraction] alone. (Fellowship)
  4. Be mindful of the truth that chaste friendships are not only possible but necessary in a chaste Christian life and in doing so provide encouragement to one another in forming and sustaining them. (Support)
  5. Live lives that may serve as good examples to others. (Good Example)
These were copied from the official website. The bracked text is what I’ve inserted because I think it better describes the goals; at least as I see them.
See also the book “Courage to be Chaste” which has helped me a lot. I am not gay but we allstruggle to be chaste.
See also the book “Courage to be Chaste” which has helped me a lot. I am not gay but we allstruggle to be chaste.
The book by Christopher West: “The Theology of the Body for Beginners” is a great book as well.
Check it out!

Go with God!
I believe there is a chapter in NE Ohio because I have homosexual (formerly gay, as in lifestyle) friends who participate and have great things to say about. The priest directing it was invited to speak on a local campus, in rebuttal to a Dignity speaker, about 8 yrs ago.
I noticed something when the sexual abuse scandels hit the fan. Coincidence or not.

In those dioceses where the Bishop allows Courage there were usually very view, if any, abuse scandels.

The dioceses that had larger number of sexual abuse scandals were in the same dioceses that the Bishop doesn’t allow Courage and/or has an alternative ministry (i.e. Dignity or other homegrown LGT outreach).

Disclaimer: Not all dioceses that don’t have Courage are because the Bishop refused to allow it, some don’t because nobody ever approached the Bishop.
A lot of liberal gay-rights activists and pro-gay-marriage gays are indignant when it comes to “Courage.” That should indicate to you right there that Courage is a legitimate ministry to homosexuals. It’s essentially a support group to help people deal with their desires.

If I were a priest at a large parish I would encourage my parishioners to start a courage ministry. Anytime you can help people turn away from their sins and bring them to the sacraments, that’s a good thing.
I have heard criticism of it because it puts a bunch of people with SSA all in the same room and that is a recipe for trouble. But I would rather have them all in the same room working toward the goal of chastity than down on the riverfront cruising . . . God bless them all! 👍
I have heard criticism of it because it puts a bunch of people with SSA all in the same room and that is a recipe for trouble. 👍
Yes sometimes these groups get their purposes turned on their heads and they become singles’ outreach instead.

I picked Other because even though I had heard of it, I don’t really know how successful it is. You hear such different accounts of it.

It must be difficult to get through to people when the whole world is telling them they’re fine and we religious nuts are the ones who are messed up!

I agree with your point that we are living in a world that tells the Gay person that to pursue their sin is good, and that we who encourage them to living according to the way provided by God are small minded in our “hate”.

Love is willing to say, “No, that is wrong.” I wish it could be better understood in our society that all things are not relative, that there is such as thing as absolute right and wrong.

Does anyone have a charitable approach for explaining why homosexual marriage is not OK, when speaking to a purely secular friend? And without referencing the obvious nature of Male/Female body parts and making of a family - daughter would like such a defense for her 7th grade friends.


There isn’t a chapter in Northeast Ohio 😦 :mad:

Go with God!
I believe there is, or used to be up to 5 years ago, inquire at Newman Catholic student center at either Case or Kent state
I think it is great! The world tells people that we have no more control over our sexual behavior as dogs in heat,whether heterosexual or homosexual.In this day in time we all need support especially young people who have grown up in all the “hype”.God Bless
my hetero brother was casually referring to an encounter he’d had with a young woman and I gave him a look or something and his defense was “Hey, we’re animals, so we have needs that need to be met.”

I looked at him and said, “You are SO much better than that, you are a person with all the dignity that conveys. You’re better than that!” and I casually got up from the couch and left the conversation on that note.

And he is, he’s a great guy who deserves more, who is worthy of more, but who doesn’t see himself as having sufficient value to offer the woman of his dreams. It makes me sad.

I have visited the website several times for information to try to help with a step-grandchild that has labeled himself “gay.” I think I first heard of it through the Doctor Is In or another program on IH Radio. The church is dealing with the issue and think it is great.
I have heard criticism of it because it puts a bunch of people with SSA all in the same room and that is a recipe for trouble.
I was indignant at first and was tempted to post something dripping with sarcasm. But, it’s a legitimate concern as there are people who have met through Courage and are now living together in relationships. But this is very, very, very, rare. You are more likely to die on the drive to the meeting than to hook-up at the meeting. There may be some groups were this is more common or there is more of a danger of it. But there are also priests that steal from the collection plate. We don’t judge the who entity by the worst examples.
I picked Other because even though I had heard of it, I don’t really know how successful it is. You hear such different accounts of it.
How many negative accounts are from someone who tried it for over 6 months? I can tell you it is very successful. But it’s like AA; it works if you work it. The best part about it is that it doesn’t focus on the disorder. Chastity, holiness, and your relationship with God and others are the focus. There is no pressure for reparative therapy (being straight). Naturaly since the Church teaches that the disorder is not sinful.
It must be difficult to get through to people when the whole world is telling them they’re fine and we religious nuts are the ones who are messed up!
It is hard. Between meeting we’re bombarded with that kind of stuff. And it’s hard not to believe it since it can seem like things would be so much easier if what the culture is saying were true. And that’s another thing that so good about the group. You’ve got all these other guys trying to do the same thing you are. You’re not alone in this. You see others doing it and you realize it can be done.

It should be strategically placed in every locale where Dignity is present. Sort of like putting a pro-life counseling center near a Planned Parenthood clinic.😃
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