Courageous Mothers Thanked

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**Ani, The point is, if this award was meant to mitigate the damage of the Morgentaler/Anderson nominations, if it was “a dog-bone” as you have called it, then the failure of Dr. Killan to even negotiate for an award to an outstanding Canadian shows complete disregard, ignorance and contempt for the prolife work in our nation. :blessyou: **
Rosalinda said:
**Ani, The point is, if this award was meant to mitigate the damage of the Morgentaler/Anderson nominations, if it was “a dog-bone” as you have called it, then the failure of Dr. Killan to even negotiate for an award to an outstanding Canadian shows complete disregard, ignorance and contempt for the prolife work in our nation. :blessyou: **

OK. Point taken. However the addition of an American Catholic to the mix demonstrates the subtlety of the subterfuge here. Many Canadians have not known how to respond. Many Americans have not wanted to ‘interfere.’

Addressing the Malloy trade-off has always been critical in levering the outcome. Direct protest against the Davenport decision has had some beneficial outcomes. However, he will never change his mind unless leverage is applied.

Leverage looks like Dr Killan resigning the selection committee, or disaffiliating Kings. It also looks like Rev Malloy declining the award. Any of these decisions would have given Don McDougall reason to intervene to overturn the awards decision. None of these decisions were taken.

It is pointless to try to apply leverage to Dr Killan (or to Davenport). Since Bishop D’Arcy of Fort Wayne / South Bend has already given much solid thought to many of the issues and since he is in a position of influence, he is ideal to be approached at the eleventh hour.

Dr Malloy will want to retire on a good note. He has recently redeemed Notre Dame from much adverse publicity by honouring Cardinal Arinze in March. Being involved in the Morgentaler Trade-off at this late stage is not a good note: not for him, not for Notre Dame, and not for American Catholics.

However it falls, the responsibility of Dr Killan is clear. Our American friends can still offer formidable help by sending this letter to Bishop D’Arcy. Our Canadian friends can help by taking the same step.
Yes, Ani. You’re right on all counts. If there is any character in this entire drama who is an ally Bishop D’Arcy is our man. Nonetheless, the rabblerousers are applying pressure to Paul Davenport and my intention was nothing more than a counterbalance. Our adversaries are running a multi-faceted campaign and we should be keeping all our balls up in the air too. That is why I posted you another strategic proposal on your thread about the eleventh hour.

:tiphat: By the way, Judy Rebick must have some doubts about the solidity of Paul Davenport if she is suggesting an email campaign by her cohorts to make sure he doesn’t entertain second thoughts.
Rosalinda said:
Yes, Ani. You’re right on all counts. If there is any character in this entire drama who is an ally Bishop D’Arcy is our man. Nonetheless, the rabblerousers are applying pressure to Paul Davenport and my intention was nothing more than a counterbalance. Our adversaries are running a multi-faceted campaign and we should be keeping all our balls up in the air too. That is why I posted you another strategic proposal on your thread about the eleventh hour.

:tiphat: By the way, Judy Rebick must have some doubts about the solidity of Paul Davenport if she is suggesting an email campaign by her cohorts to make sure he doesn’t entertain second thoughts.

Keeping lots of balls up in the air is good provided we have lots of balls. It has felt from the start that the energy has dissipated since Terri Schiavo’s death.

Moreover, I have always been loathe to take a reactive position. Proactive is much better. We need a comprehensive strategy of our own.

I have asked William for a debrief among the major players about two weeks after the convocation. We need to assess our victories and our shortcomings. We need also to agree on what is our next step.

This is a morale issue more than anything else, but it is absolutely critical given the incursions against morale by persons such as Dr Killan.

As for Judy Rebick: hmmm… I’ll ask William to test the waters with Davenport. There could many other reasons she wants people to email him. Patronage for example. Maybe she took a few notes from our ‘Catholic’ Dr Killan; to wit, the quid pro quo route. She lost badly at Aoelian Hall last week and she took a lot of damage from the Catholic Civil Rights letter.

As well as building an alliance with Davenport, she may be testing the strength of her internet activist network. Frankly, she may get a robust number of people to email, but – sheesh – look at their literacy level. For the most part it has been a string of four-letter words buttressed by shockingly shaky research.

Stockwell Day has responded but privately. He is looking into the situation but is trying to lever votes. We can lever him right back by insisting that pro-life be put back on the Conservative Party platform. They seem very vocal on the same-sex marriage issue, but very wishy washy on the lives of the unborn.
Here is Judy Rebick’s plea:

Carrying the struggle to London
It seems to me that the anti-choice movement is using the UWO decision to set up a beachhead in London, which has always had a strong anti-choice community.
by Judy Rebick
June 10, 2005
I visited the University of Western Ontario (UWO) on May 31 for a panel at the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences (formerly known as The Learneds). The London North NDP asked if I would speak at a film showing of the movie Choice, a biopic of the life of Dr. Henry Morgentaler.

If you are not on any email lists, you might not know that the UWO has decided to give Dr. Morgentaler an honorary degree. When they announced it in early May all hell broke loose and organizing has been going on ever since. Pro-choice activists circulated emails asking people to write Paul Davenport, the University President and thousands did but in the city of London it’s the anti-choice who are most visible.

I did a couple of talk shows that morning in London and felt as if I had moved 25 years back in time. I got questions I haven’t heard since the very early days of the abortion struggle. There were also a couple of incredibly anti-Semitic callers.

So far Western is holding firm but the anti-choice campaign is growing in strength. On the day I was there, I saw two anti-choice demos complete with huge posters of mangled fetuses — one at the University and one at the Choice showing. The London Free Press reported that Catholic school children participating in a track meet at UWO wore black arms bands to protest the degree.

It seems to me that the anti-choice movement is using the UWO decision to set up a beachhead in London, which has always had a strong anti-choice community. What concerns me is that much of the local media is on their side and the pro-choice majority is just starting to have a local presence.

The NDP meeting in support of Dr. Morgentaler attracted 150 people even with a $15 entrance fee. The Unitarian Church has started a Morgentaler Scholarship Fund. You can contribute online here. Scroll down and you’ll see a box where you can specify where you want your contribution to go. Just click on “Morgentaler Scholarship Fund.”

You can also mail a cheque to the Development Office, University of Western Ontario, 1151 Richmond Street, Suite 2, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B8. That way with small donations we can make up for any money that the University of Western Ontario has lost because of alumni protests.

The anti-choice movement has a website to build support for their protest. Having failed to convince UWO to back down on the degree even though they seem to have almost total support from the London Free Press, they are now organizing a protest at the University for June 16, the day Dr. Morgentaler is getting his degree.

They seem to think that is organizing buses to build a march for Dr. Morgentaler, which isn’t true but the Women’s Issues Network is organizing a “Celebration of Choice” which will be held the day before the convocation. If you can join them or let your contacts and friends in the London area know about it, please do.

The pro-choice majority is starting to have a more visible presence in London and you can help. If you haven’t yet sent an email to Dr. Paul Davenport to tell him you support the brave decision of the UWO to grant Morgentaler a degree, please do so.

There is also a petition online. The anti-choice movement which is opposing the degree (mostly in the U.S for some reason) has now amassed over 10,000 signatures on its own petition. I hope you will review and sign this petition as soon as possible. *Judy Rebick is the publisher of * *She holds the Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University in Toronto. She is the author of the recently published *Ten Thousand Roses: The Making of a Feminist Revolution.
Note that Rebick claims that the ‘anti-choice’ (presumably pro-life) faction is setting up a beach head. Exactly the opposite is true and in fact this becomes evident in the rest of what she says.

London is strongly pro-life. Londoners are defending their beach, not setting up a beach head. It is the pro-abortion faction which is attempting to set up a beach head.

Pray to the Lord our God for crummy weather on Wednesday.


PS: Very neighbourly of Rebick to give a link to the protest site. That must account for some of the Hitler signatures on our petition! Well whoever it was that signed, it was more signatures for us. Also there are many stalwarth Catholic posters on the Rebick website who have been valiantly defending our Faith. Now they can sign the petition, write the emails, and join the 16 June protest. Beauty!
Rabble site what’s happening now navigation bar. Check it out Ani. Later this month there is a big event planned for London which may be of interest to you. Equality rights issues is always doublespeak for abortion rights and whatever else ungodly activity these self-proclaimed popes can invent. They say it will open to debate -polite, civil, well-documented.
Are you talking about the London Regional Social Forum on 23 June?

Gotta get some fish and chips before I starve. Catchya later. Ani.
Yes, that’s the one. Setting up their beach head and looking to recruit new members for the real “antichoice” camp. Women would choose their babies provided they were given any encouragement and assistance before dragging them off to abortuaries, as would the children too providing they lived long enough.

On the news front there is nothing in the Free Press today and fortunately the Joan Barfoot story yesterday has finally produced the desired reaction so we have our work cut out for us.👋
London Free Press, June 13, front page. UWO PROTEST RIFT OPENS by Jonathan Sher.

The student protest site managed by William VanDoodewaard and all the criticism of the Catholic leadership is today’s big news story. Needless to say, Killan is pretty upset and characterizes the efforts as extremism.

A spokesperson for the bishop said he does not believe King’s College should disaffiliate. This was under the title: SCHISM: Bishop made his opposition clear
London Free Press, Letter to the Editor by Elaine Wilson, June 13.

Morgentaler has given women choice

"Thanks to Dr. R. S. M. Eberhard for the letter, Doctor witnessed tragic results of back-street abortions (June 7). This heartfelt viewpoint so succinctly expressed the witnessing of tragic, criminal abortionists and their devastating results.

As a teenager living in a small town north of Toronto in the '60s, I, too, saw the results of backstreet abortion rings. Fortunately, my friend’s life was saved by hospital intervention. She went on to have a healthy child in a loving marriage. Many other women in that same city were not so fortunate.

Henry Morgentaler’s courage to provide therapeutic abortions takes conviction. His work represents a side of medicine that is sad to many of us, but provides the essential right to choose.

As for the graduates who elect not to attend their convocation ceremonies, you, too, have made a choice. You have chosen to stand on your principles and beliefs, and you are blessed to live in a country that offers choices. Please do not assume that others should not have healthy options available to them. Liberty is a wonderful gift.

On the matter of your choice, I hope that your university education has made you tolerant, accepting and above all respectful of the values of others."
Re the Jonathan Sher article in today’s LFP (thank you Rosalinda):

"Killan, who says the criticism has been hurtful, was a member of the UWO Senate committee that selected Morgentaler with some dissent.

The website comments seem more typical of an extremism found among some in the United States, he said."

An ‘extremism’ found among some in the United States?’ We don’t have ‘extremists’ in Canada? Why all this time I thought the folks on Judy Rebick’s website (for example) were Canadian. What, if people work within a ‘groundup dialogue’ as Bishop D’Arcy puts it, they are American? This statement smacks of Family Compactto me.
This letter in the Free Press by Jamie Harris of London responds to Marvin Simner in post #76.

Abortion claims 100,000 lives yearly

"In his letter, Banning abortions won’t solve problem (June 10), Prof. Marvin L. Simner asserts that “where abortion is legal, abortion mortality averages less than one death per 100,000.”

This is an amazing statistic given the fact that every abortion involves at least one death.

Whereas the moderate fringe of the pro-life movement is committed to a system in which abortions are available, safe and rare, he is advocating for the current abortion-on-demand killing frenzy that was responsible for more than 100,000 lives lost in Canada in the last year alone.

The saddest thing is that the vast majority of these lives, these deaths and the ensuing controversy were preventable by responsible contraceptive efforts by the parents involved."
This one by Ron Jennings of London in the LFP is so crude it must have been selected for its uniqueness.

Abortion foes can’t see other side

"I have one thing to say to all the Rory Leishmans and Herman Gooddens and other men out there who have so vociferously stated their opinions against the concept of a woman’s unrestricted right to a safe abortion.

I challenge any of you who have complained about this to wear one of the pregnancy simulators that are used for educational purposes for a couple of months without any kind of respite, and then come back and tell us what your opinions are.

Then and only then can you be justified in voicing any kind of opinion on this matter. Until you have personally experienced the situation of having an unwanted pregnancy sucking on your body’s resources for nine months, I feel you have absolutely no right to try to foist your religious-based, non-scientific claptrap on the rest of society."
Feminist lauds UWO honour for Morgentaler by April Kemick LFP

"A pioneering Canadian feminist used her convocation address at the University of Western Ontario yesterday to applaud the university for honouring Dr. Henry Morgentaler.
Doris Anderson, a former editor of Chatelaine magazine known for her groundbreaking articles on abortion, divorce laws and wage equity, ended her short address by telling grads and their families she backed Western’s decision.

“I want to congratulate this university for having the courage to be the first university to give Dr. Henry Morgentaler an honorary degree,” Anderson said to loud applause from the thousands who attended the ceremony at Alumni Hall.
The university has faced much opposition since it announced in March that Morgentaler – a pro-choice advocate who led the fight to legalize abortions in Canada and still operates six clinics – would receive an honorary degree.

“This is a man who went to jail and has endured a great deal of demonstrations and persecution,” Anderson said in an interview after the ceremony.

“Some recognition is long overdue and I’m really very proud the university had the guts to do this, because it’s not a popular thing.”

Anderson, who received an honorary doctor of laws degree yesterday, said she’s “not surprised” the decision to honour Morgentaler caused such an uproar, even decades after the legalization of abortion.

She recalled the massive public response to a 1958 Chatelaine article that advocated safe abortions as opposed to dangerous “back-alley” procedures.

“I got persecuted for three years after, with letters and people cancelling subscriptions and threatening to get me fired,” she said, laughing.

“It was a real campaign.”

Anderson, the current chairperson of the Ontario Press Council, said everyone is entitled to their opinion on issues such as abortion, but she doesn’t think it’s fair for activists on either side to pressure others.

“I have every respect for people who don’t believe in abortion under any circumstances . . . but I don’t think they should force their views on people who don’t agree with them,” she said.

Anderson – who told graduates they have the power to change the world – said afterward young women need to be aware of battles won by feminists of her generation.

She lauded women for the work they’re doing in areas such as environmental protection, but said they need to be aware of freedoms won in the past.

"There’s got to be a certain amount of awareness all the time or you lose what you have gained,"Anderson said.

“You’ve got to keep the pressure on.” (Highlight by Rosalinda)
MPP’s Praise Morgentaler degree by Patrick Maloney LFP

"A pair of New Democrat MPP’s praised the UWO for honouring abortion activist Dr. M at Thursday’s graduation ceremony.

By bestowing an honorary degree on Morgentaler – in addition to feminist writer Doris Anderson yesterday and activist Maude Barlow today – UWO has proved its respect for the women’s movement, MPP Andrea Horvath (NDP – Hamilton East) told the legislature yesterday.

“In profiling its commitment to women’s rights, (UWO) has gained three outstanding alumni who were pivotal in advancing the rights of Canadian women,” Horvath said during member statement period.

Horvath spoke in place of fellow NDP MPP Marilyn Churley, the party’s women’s issues critic.

The announcement Morgentaler would receive an honorary Western degree set the abortion debate ablaze across London. Churley, who couldn’t attend the statement period, said in an interview Morgentaler’s commitment to his cause deserves respect.

“I know it’s controversial but I’m speaking up and saying I’m very proud of him,” Churley said, "and very pleased that he is being honoured.

“He paid a huge personal price. . . . He took it upon himself to stay firm, to continue his quest for freedom for women to make the choice.”

The frustration of the local pro-life movement, however, is understandable, Churley said.

“People who don’t agree also deserve to . . . speak out,” she said. “People have the right to disagree. The University of Western Ontario has the right to recognize him.”
Support group tries to heal abortion hurt by Patrick Maloney LFP, June 14.

"Even two decades later, she won’t talk openly about her abortion.

On that Nov. day in the early 1980’s Annie “instantly” started wrestling with depression, grief and anger. And for years, she said, there was no one who knew and nowhere to turn.

"You’re grieving a baby thatt you’re not allowed to grieve, " she said. “You bury it, you try not to think about it.”

Annie considers herself part of a low-profile sector of post-abortive women who regret availing themselves of the rights championed by Dr.M. the abortion activist receiving an honorary UWO degree Thursday.
The exact number of women like Annie is unknown and pro-choice advocates say they make up a small percentage of post-abortive women.

They largely suffer in silence, said Jane, another local woman who wouldn’t give her real name.

“I told absolutely no one,” she said of her 1992 abortion. “You haven’t told anyone, so you have no reason to grieve, so you just go (on).”

She went on, that is, until she found Project Rachel, a support group for post-abortive women brought to London by the local Roman Catholic diocese five years ago. Many of its volunteers have had experiences such as Jane and Annie’s, who say the group’s goal is simple:

It’s about finding forgiveness.

“It was amazing, the changes,” Annie, 40, said of her Project Rachel experience. “Just relief, that there was somebody that I could confide in and that I was accepted.”

Project Rachel – which started in Milwaukee in 1984 – is funded locally by London diocese and is pro-life, said its director, Peter Buckley.

“Project Rachel is not about being anti-abortion,” he said. “It’s about healing people who are hurting as a result of an abortion.”

The group hasn’t been overwhelmed with calls: About 350 people, mainly women, have called over its five years here and some 60 women have attended its weekend retreats.

The vast majority of post-abortive women don’t need such help, said Kim Luton, the London-based president of the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League. Every abortion clinic in Canada, she said, offers pre- and post-abortion counselling.

“We make the best decision we can with the best information we have. And sometimes that isn’t good enough,” said Luton, a UWO sociology professor.

“We have a small group of women who do suffer . . . and we need to find them counselling.”

Though Jane is unhappy with UWO’s decision to honour Morgentaler, she has no axe to grind.

Many pro-life activists are terribly insensitive to post-abortive women, she said, and most Morgentaler supporters are well-meaning."


Project Rachel, a support group for women who have had abortions, describes itself as providing “an opportunity to receive the healing grace of God and to move forward in a caring and hope-filled atmosphere.” Its toll-free, anonymous phone number is 1-800-355-1110.
The Catholic Register printed this letter to the editor in this week’s edition.

**A day of mourning
**The abortionist, Dr. Henry Morgentaler, is to receive an honorary doctor of laws degree from the University of Western Ontario. It is inconceivable how a man whose notoriety rests on the exploitation of women is heralded as their defender.

The advent of unrestricted abortion since the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in 1988 has undermined women’s dignity. Why? The primordial nature of women is to participate in the creation and protection of life: not to destroy it. Harm the child and you harm the mother at every level of her being.

Every abortion proves our collective failure to welcome the mother and her child. Our Canadian family benefits from the gifts every child brings. The first of which is hope. No engineer, architect or artist can approach the awesome power of giving life to a unique person destined to survive even death by virtue of his immortal soul. No bridge, cathedral or artwork can rival the marvellous achievement that marks the birth of a newborn child. Therefore, no circumstance, purpose or law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is intrinsically illicit, since it is contrary to the law of God and reason itself.

Nothing can hide Morgentaler’s blood-stained hands. June 16, when he will receive his doctorate, will be a day of national mourning.
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