Courtship for adults?

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Im concerned that you have the misconception that these “rules” would exist for the Church. Here is the “rule” if you both are available to do so, you can date any way your culture deems fit. You must not cohabitate, or engage in premarital sex or sex acts. Other than that, do whatever you wish. And stop looking for a set list of things to follow.
I certainly believe there is a big difference between dating for traditional Catholics and dating that Post Vatican II Catholics engage in.
This is NOT Catholic. This is some silly nostalgic idea that “traditional Catholics” have made up. It’s not healthy.

My in-laws were 100% pre Vatican II when they dated in the 1950s and they didn’t do any of that nonsense— they dated. They went to dances, and out together.

They planned a life, bought a farm, and fixed it up together. They did not live together or do sinful things, but they spent a LOT of time together.
If my daughters wanted to use courtship to discern a partner in the way the traditional movement encourages I honestly would have no problem with it. If they somehow believed that this was mandated or somehow more “catholic” than other non traditional ways, I would have a problem with that.
My parents dated in the forties and fifties. No courtship no chaperones. They raised four awesome kids.
I know this is not how you meant it but everyone born after Vatican ll is a post VaticanII Catholic.
I hope my kids are mature enough to find their future spouse at 16.
My younger daughter started dating a 17-year old boy when she was 14. At first we allowed “group dates only,” and then as he demonstrated responsibility, we allowed them to go out as a couple.

They dated for 7 years, and got married, and they have been married for 11 years.

Sadly, they are struggling with infertility issues. They are seeking the help of the Saint Pope Paul VI Institute. Lots of prayers going up for them!

And then there’s my other daughter…! She’s been through heartbreak after heartbreak. She’s currently dating a man who seems to be really decent and a good match, so more prayers going up for her. (She’s 36.)
but they spent a LOT of time together.
This is a really good point.

My husband and I dated for six years before we got married, and we spent a LOT of time together, not just having fun, but doing service projects, working in our church (we were Protestant), doing chores for my dad (hay baling, painting, etc.), going on trips with his parents, doing LOTS of studying and homework and even school projects together, singing/playing our instruments together, acting in plays together, taking day trips to various tourist sites in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin–and talking, talking, TALKING!

We knew each other extremely well by the time we got married. No surprises.

My daughter and her husband were the same way. By the time they got married after seven years of dating, they were like senior citizens–they could order meals for each other in a restaurant, they anticipated how the other would react to various situations, etc.–so cute!

So don’t be afraid to spend dating time with any man you are “discerning marriage for.” After all, when a young woman is discerning religious life, or a young man is discerning the priesthood, they spend a LOT of time with Jesus and in His Church!
  1. What are the guidelines around
Don’t look for guidelines. Apply moral principles. You’re more than mature enough to! 🙂
Calling each other pet names up until marriage?
Not a moral issue at all. It’s perfectly okay to be a Sourthern lady and consider everybody to be a honey, darling or sweetie. 😉
Going out to dinner alone together or is spending time together during the day better?
Unless we’re back in the middle ages in a more collectivist society, imposing rules on you like you can’t eat alone together or it must be daylight hours, not after dark, etc., well, that sort of thing would be incompatible with your status as adult citizens in a free country. You aren’t children, you aren’t domestic service, you aren’t serfs, there’s no reason to subject the two of you to that kind of degrading, humiliating discipline.
how often to see, call, and text each other etc?
Not a moral issue. Don’t obsess over it. Allow yourself to love instead of trying to find rules to follow. Don’t confuse societal rules with moral and religious principles. Victorian mores of the bourgeoisie along with its concepts of propriety is not Catholic morality.
being alone in the car together (driving)
Again, you’re adults.
is kissing/hugging ok or best to avoid completely?
It’s okay for affection, it’s not okay for sexual stimulation or release.

Nothing is okay for sexual stimulation or release before marriage.

But what is not sexual is not sexual.
  1. How exactly is courtship usually initiated between two individuals (without family or parents in my case) or is it automatically assumed?
However you want. For example you can go down on one knee and propose, or he can. Whatever floats your boat.

There is no need for ‘courtship’ as a word or concept, and I don’t even think the word appears in the Catechism. We aren’t fundamentalist Protestants. 🙂 Nor are we SCA.
How long should courtship and engagement period last for two consenting adults in the thirty age range?
Preferably not till after menopause if you’re 30. 😉

Marrying over the weekend would probably be a bit too hasty, though.

Men are like used cars when you aren’t even allowed a test ride — you need to do your research, make sure the seller is trustworthy, check the criminal record, put him through some gruelling test routine to make him prove his worth (killing large animals bare-handed is a bit controversial these days, though, so use something more ecological).
Basically, how should courtship look like for two adults around the thirty age mark?
No more stressful and no more regulated and unspontaneous than it has to be.
You need to know your boundaries. His respect or disrespect of those boundaries will tell you a lot about him. Have fun on your dates! There’s nothing wrong with a little affection. Get to know him!
I would like to know more about traditional Catholic courtship.
That is not a thing, so, it can be whatever you want it to be.

Friendship, companionship, dating are more our modern way of getting to know someone.
Most of the stuff like calling each other and using pet names just develops naturally with a relationship.
AMEN. Heck, nick names, pet names, inside joke names, are a not uncommon part of friendships, let alone romances.
There is a Catholic girl who I know who doesn’t like touch and even wants to convince her future husband to sleep in a different bed after a short while in order to not get attached.
Your friend likely needs some counseling, that is simply not a healthy view of relationships.
we look at each other often and we are often near each other in crowded settings so we can be close or strive to be near each other.
Do you know the song “Some Enchanted Evening”? It is beautiful.
I would prefer him to make the first move! Ask me out for dinner or coffee.
Just ask him.

Today, I thank GOD that I made the first move. My husband of three decades went to God on Friday. The best move I ever made, aside from my conversion, was that one. Life is far too short, men cannot read minds, ask him to coffee (tell him I told you to).
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