I have noticed since joining the Catholic Church that the vast majority of Catholics have welcomed me and other converts with open arms. However there is an occasional undertone of resentment I sense. I have noticed an anti-protestant note in many threads; not anti-protestant theology, rather anti-protestant anything.(e.g “We don’t need anything that is from Evangelicals, Fundamentalist, Pentecostals, etc.”)
The story of the prodigal son, which has many messages, is brought to mind. In addition to the prodigal son and the forgiving father, you have the resentful older son. What makes him so believable is how truly he shows our self-centered human nature. I would never wish to imply that any group is pharisaical (older son-ish) and we all must be tolerant and understanding of others. But, do any of you cradle Catholics feel resentful toward us newcomers, much like the elder brother? Have any of the converts out there ran into any negativism based on your background? Any other comments?
The story of the prodigal son, which has many messages, is brought to mind. In addition to the prodigal son and the forgiving father, you have the resentful older son. What makes him so believable is how truly he shows our self-centered human nature. I would never wish to imply that any group is pharisaical (older son-ish) and we all must be tolerant and understanding of others. But, do any of you cradle Catholics feel resentful toward us newcomers, much like the elder brother? Have any of the converts out there ran into any negativism based on your background? Any other comments?