To suggest that humans evolved from clams is utterly bizarre for someone who claims to be a ‘biological scientist’. If you think any professional ‘biological scientist’ entertains the notion that humans evolved from clams then you must have a palsied grip on phylogenetics.By “fantasy story”, do you mean “all humans are evolved from clams”, or “organisms can evolve to adapt to their environment”?
The former is as yet still a theory, and one that doesn’t have any more evidence than creation theory to prove it as fact. The latter I have seen in my own work as a biological scientist.
Humans: Homo sapiens is a member of Hominidae, which is in Catarhinni, in turn a primate. Primates are placental mammals (Eutheria), which are one of many Synapsid groups. Synapsids are amniotes which are one of several groups of tetrapods. Tetrapods are Gnathostomata or jawed vertebrates, which are part of the group of Chordates, which is one of three groups of deuterostomes.
Clams: The clam is a bivalve. Bivalves are molluscs which fall into the group of Lophotrochozoa. Lophotrochozoans are protostomes.
The divergence of protostomes (of which clams represent one example) and deuterostomes (of which humans represent one example) is deep in the tree of life: it is the fundamental divergence of bilaterians, the oldest example of which was found this year and dated to 40 million years BEFORE the Cambrian:
Chen et al, Science 305, 218 - 222 (July 2004).
So the idea that humans evolved from clams is grotesque.
And to say that evolution is ‘only’ a theory, and that it has no more evidence than ‘creation theory’ (whatever that is) is to display an astonishing degree of ignorance for someone who claims to be a scientist of any kind.