I believe that our Spiritual God is Omni-Present to the whole of physical time. Time is only the measure of change between matter, energy and empty space, all of which God created. Our Spiritual God is totally unbound by physical time.
I believe that God, with His Omni-Present to all time view, knows what all men for all time will choose even though we are totally free from the control of God when we make a choice to obey or disobey Him at any point in physical time.
I believe that God creates from the focus point of free willed Adam, because only a free willed being can choose to love Him. I believe that mankind’s capacity to love God is mankind’s purpose in life. I believe that mankind’s capacity to love God is God’s reason for creation.
I believe that billions of years of past (if not infinite past) and billions of years of future (if not infinite future) Cosmos flowed out from our, Omni-Present to all physical time, God’s focal point of Adam as a home for Adam. I believe that if homosaipiens flow out into the past from the creation of Adam, they are still not man. The first free willed being God created on the sixth day, God named “man”.
I believe that if Sodom and Gohmora would have repented, there would never have been asteroids headed to destroy their city for tens of thousands of years. I believe if Nineveh would have not repented there would have been asteroids headed to destroy their city for tens of thousands of years. I believe that before Noah landed the arc, there had never been rainbows. I believe that after Noah landed the arc, there had always been rainbows.
I believe that physical time has absolutely no control over our Omni-Powerful, Omni-Present to all physical time, God.
I believe that, in the scope of things, it really does not matter what you believe about creation. I believe that what matters is that you believe in Jesus Christ and His command to Love the Lord your God with all you heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. Once in eternal life with God the saints who have loved Him can take a look at just how God did bring creation into existance.
Peace in Christ,
Steven Merten