Apologia100: ‘I am not a Darwinian Evolutionist, nor am I a literal Creation Scientist. I believe the truth is more of an amalgamation of the two’
Stobie: ‘This represents my view as well’
Della: ‘I cannot believe in a strict Darwinian evolution because it does not answer some very basic questions about the nature of man’
larryo: ‘Dittos, here’
Timbo: ‘I should also note that I don’t believe in Darwinism. The man wasn’t even a scientist. God created the earth, the animals and humans. Macro-evolution (evolution between species) has not been proven, but I do believe there has been enough evidence to support micro-evolution (evolution within a species such as humans becoming taller throughout many years).’
Della: ‘I do not believe in strict Darwinian evolution’
Tobias: Evolution is no more a provable reality than the existence of the human mood.
Apologia100: It just means that unless someone builds a time machine to be able to observe the formation of the fossil record in context, we will never objectively know the truth
buffalo: The weakness in these arguments is that it is
considered a fact. The weakness is also that the facts we observe are only facts throught the scientific lens we look through…Bottom-line - we are searching and really don’t know
No-one answered the questions I asked, so I’ll ask them again: Why is it that in the matter of evolution, all sorts of people, lacking the burden of actual knowledge, feel free to express their prejudices and biases in public? These people wouldn’t dream of posting their opinions in a thread debating, say, the implications of the mass of the Higgs boson for fundamental physics, or a thread debating the relative merits of the strict Copenhagen interpretation versus Bohmian mechanics. Or a thread on string theory versus loop quantum gravity. But molecular and evolutionary biology is fair game for people who don’t have the faintest idea about what evolutionary theory actually says.
I am really interested in an answer to this question, because not one of you has even attempted to post a definition of ‘Darwinism’, the hypothesis that you are giving us the benefit of your opinions on. Not one of you, with all due respect, has shown that you understand either what the theory of evolution claims or the evidence for it. So, I am genuinely interested - why do you feel able to give an opinion on one scientific matter (evolutionary biology) about which you seem, on the evidence of his thread, to know absolutely nothing, when you would not countenance the idea of giving your opinion on, say, the latest hypotheses on protein folding or the importance of the recently discovered phenomenon of RNA Interference or the role of Hox genes and the genetic casette in the development of tetrapod limbs.
I am genuinely interested: why do you feel that you can have an opinion about one thing you seem to know nothing about, when you would recoil from seeming to hold an opinion on something else you know nothing about? Why is evolutionary biology different? (this is not a rhetorical question - I really do want to know).