Catholics are indeed allowed to believe in literal six-day creationism, and Church teaching also allows for a belief in theistic evolution. Whatever theory one wishes to hold, though, is subject to two conditions–Everything was created
ex nihilo–out of nothing, and God was responsible. Aside from holding those two truths, Catholics are free to believe what they want on the matter of creationism/evolution.
For more, see
I believe that it is also Catholic dogma that all of the human race came from a single male and a single female, Adam and Eve. This seems necessary in order for the sin of the one to promulgate to the entire human race.
But I agree with other posters who argue that a literal 6 24-hour day creation is very difficult to reconcile with the scientific knowledge we have of the planet’s history.
The hardest part I have with theistic evolution is at what point is man infused with a soul? And if there was a race of
homo-whatevers that at some point evolved into
homo-sapiens, how probable is it that there was only one male and female
homo-sapien initially, from which the entire human race was spawned? Unlikely, and possibly scientifically disproven, although I have no idea. I don’t see right now another explanation for the origins of humanity from a single male and fenale if theistic evolution is aligned with Catholic dogma.
There is one aspect of the Adam and Eve dogma that I’m not sure of, though. Is it necessarily dogma that we are all offspring of Adam and Eve
together? What if there were, say 10
homo-erectus in existence when Adam was born with the genetic mutation that made him human, and was the first to be infused with a soul. Then Eve was likewise born, possibly as an offspring of Adam, inheriting his human genetic trait (his “rib”). Is it dogma that from only these two mating together, the entire human race is formed, or could Adam have his own genetic line, and Eve her own, but not necessarily together? After all, if they each carried the dominant genetic trait making them human, they would bear only human children if they mated with *homo-erectus *partners, correct? This would also help alleviate the scientific criticism of the “single couple spawning the entire race” theory because of the genetic problems that often occur with genetically related people producing offspring.
Does anyone know more on this?