john doran:
Your last bit is true, and must be identified and guarded against.
I basically agree with your post, except the first bit. Maxwell’s unification of electricity and magnetism shows us that, if we believe that light has wavelike properties (which is verifiable), then the speed of the wave proceeds as a special combination of fundamental constants (electric and magnetic permittivity — c = (e*mu)^-1/2. This is true in the vacuum as well as in media, and is what gives rise to refractory behavior. Separately, this value has been empirically measure to high precision. Should it change, then many electric and magnetic phenomena should show a change in the permittivity values in the distant past. We don’t see this.the speed of light isn’t “derived” from anything; it has been measured with increasing accuracy since the 17th century.
it is also interesting to see just how the philosophical biases of scientists work their way into the science…
Your last bit is true, and must be identified and guarded against.