Creative Dating Ideas

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Bike ride around town? We like to plan a bike ride that lasts a few hours. We bike to the coffee shop and then stop. Then off to the book store. The another leg of biking to the town park, off to ice cream and back home.

That’s for the casual biker of course.

How about going to the park and playing Frisbee golf? Each of you gets a Frisbee. You start at the same point. Throw the Frisbee at the same target until you hit it and keep track of your scores. Then move on to another target.

Tons of fun and gets the competitive fun going.
My husband and I are in an improv comedy troupe together. (Some couples bowl, we do improv.) Take a class in it (normally it’s pretty cheap), or find a local troupe. Believe me, most troupes just pass the hat instead of collecting money at the door, so it can be a pretty inexpensive date.
divorce and remarriage without an anullment does, divorce does not nor remarriage as long as remarriage is with anullment
The nullity decree should not be seen a consequence of the civil divorce. The nullity decree is a statement by competent church authority whether the person is married or not. Divorce is bad of itself, it’s not the lack of nullity decree that makes it bad. It’s only that if the person is not married sacramentally, then a civil divorce only reflects that reality.
for the record divorced without anullment should not even be dating, as person is still married in eyes of the church without an anullment.
Even more: the person should be open to reconciliation with the sacramentally married spouse. And there are duties that persist even in such situations as when one is allowed to refused sexual intimacy (after adultery by the other psouse). So one shouldn’t disappear without trace and leave the other spouse without any way of contact (unless the safety of self or children so requires).
The nullity decree should not be seen a consequence of the civil divorce. The nullity decree is a statement by competent church authority whether the person is married or not. Divorce is bad of itself, it’s not the lack of nullity decree that makes it bad. It’s only that if the person is not married sacramentally, then a civil divorce only reflects that reality.

Even more: the person should be open to reconciliation with the sacramentally married spouse. And there are duties that persist even in such situations as when one is allowed to refused sexual intimacy (after adultery by the other psouse). So one shouldn’t disappear without trace and leave the other spouse without any way of contact (unless the safety of self or children so requires).
Its up to the tribunal to decide if a marriage is sacramental or not.
My post was merely saying that if married then divorced but have not attained an anullment you are not supposed to even be dating by “Church rules”, as far as seeing the nullity as a consequence of a civil divorce who said it was??? I sure didnt.
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