Crickets as food

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I’ve tasted snake 🙂 Sort of like a mixture of chicken and rabbit.Am I pardoned ?🙃
Your post reminded me of the book “The Family Nobody Wanted” about the Protestant minister and his wife who adopted a whole bunch of “unadoptable” kids, where at the beginning he’s quit his business to go to divinity school and the couple is really broke and they eat the can of “rattlesnake meat” that one of their friends gave them as a jokey travel souvenir. Then their friend who likes to tease them about “when are you going to eat the rattlesnake meat” finds out they really did eat it because they had no other food in the house, and forces them to take some money to buy groceries.
Somebody was telling me recently that it is now possible to buy Egyptian strawberries in the UK. There is simply no need for us to fly strawberries over from Egypt when they grow in our own countryside.
Interesting that you say this. A friend of mine was telling me that some of the fruit and vegetables sent to other countries are (obviously) the best of the crop. This leaves the inferior products for the local population to eat. In poorer countries that can have a huge impact on health and well-being.
Under the dietary (kosher) law, it might be; however, I believe crickets are regarded as kosher, whereas in the case of locusts, it depends on the variety, and most are not. Kosher or not, I’ll pass on eating insects.
Interesting. I had only been thinking of it in terms of the environmental harm involved in transporting out-of-season fresh produce thousands of miles by air. But that is also another interesting consideration if, for example, native Egyptians are unable to buy good quality strawberries in their own country because the best crops are being sent to the UK (and elsewhere). I assume that this must also push up prices for the locals: if, say, half the Egyptian strawberry crop is exported to Europe, I guess that must drive up the local prices.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the athletic teams at the University of Nebraska were known as the “Bugeaters”. It was a reference to the settlers who had resorted to eating bugs after crop failures in the 1870s and 1890s…far from being an insult, the term was a tribute to the settlers’ resolve to do whatever it took to survive and thrive in the early days of the state.

However, despite the history of bug eating in my beloved home state…I think I’ll pass for now.
In Thailand and some other countries I was in there are vendors walking around selling deep fried grasshoppers…


As my aged mom says…if your hungry enough you’ll eat anything…although that was mostly in reference to me as a kid not wanting to eat brussel sprouts, okra and lima beans…blech 🤮
If you consume fruits, vegetables, grains, or spices, you probably eat a lot of bugs (or bug fragments) anyway.

Unrelated to that… I had always thought of hummingbirds as being strictly nectar-eaters until one day I saw a hummingbird doing a strange aerobatic dance in a college plaza. Looking closer, I saw that it was hovering next to a swarm of gnats or small flies, facing toward the sun perhaps to see them better, jinking about, picking them off one by one with its beak.

I later read that hummingbirds must eat bugs to get the protein they need, and they catch flying insects as well as bugs that happen to be on or near the flowers which are their nectar source.
I have neither the power to pardon, nor to condemn. And you are lucky for that… 😜
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I am really not sure that better or poorer strawberries are going to have any impact whatsoever on anyone’s health. Not only that, but you are making the presumption that all of the best strawberries have been exported, which in most economics is unsupported.
Supply and demand still works, Marx or no Marx; there may be no demand for strawberries, good, bad or indifferent. Nor is it fair to presume that the poor would buy strawberries in sufficient quantities to support the farming of them, were none exported. It is far more likely the poor would continue to spend what little they have on staples, such as rice.

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