Crossing yourself in front of inlaws

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I guess I should explain a little further why I stopped in front of them. We were living with them at the time when I stopped. We moved from a horrible living situation a few hours away. They were kind enough to take us in while we estabished ourselves. It was not a planned move, and it was rather quick. My mother in law is the one who objects more than my father in law. He aked me to think about stopping because it upset her. At the time we were just grateful to have someplace to stay, so I did. I have explained to her many things about Catholicism. In her mind, it is a Catholic thing. We do have many reminders of our faith in the house now. A crusifix in every room (which I know drives her nuts). I have a statue of everyone’s saint. I also have a staute of Mary in the house. Outside I have a mary Statue as well as a St. Francis. And we also have a Pope John Paul II picture in our living room. She has gotten used to them over time. But I will never forget the first time she walked into a Catholic Church. She looked extremly uncomfortable. She had this body posture and look on her face like she felt if she touched anything it was a ticket to Hell. My father in law is much more comfortable. Anyway, last night, we crossed ourselves when they came for dinner. Hopefully she will get used to it over time like she did with everything else.
Yes I’m sure she will. You sound like a very sweet daughter in law who just wants peace. I think that’s such a nice quality. I wonder what’s up with your MIL and why it bothers her so? I can appreciate that she might disagree, but to be so uncomfortable?? Isn’t it a shame that she can’t see all that you no doubt have in common (assuming she’s a Christian?) like Jesus, prayer, the Bible etc.

God Bless,
Honestly, you sound like such a conscientious person. I also read your thread about worrying you need to buy a bigger home to accomodate the grand plans of your in-laws and parents. PLEASE consider the idea that this is your life, your home, your beliefs, your values and YOUR PLACE TO DECIDE how you want to live your life. Since you are no longer living with them and no longer subject to their potential whims, I would do what makes me feel comfortable about my faith and what I know to be right and true.

Since we receive grace every time we make the sign of the cross, begin offering it up each time for your MIL. Specifically ask God to transfer the grace of the action to you MIL. Perhaps this will help lighten her near-palpitations over the matter. 😉

I, too, live in Philadelphia and I, too, have very controlling in-laws. Mine are nominally Catholic, but they protested when my husband and I didn’t want to live together before marriage. They protested over the “too many religious items” in my home. They protested over praying before meals, too. They have had to learn the very hard way that my husband and I will live our lives in accordance to our faith and our own choosing, but that is a whole other story. 🙂

I will pray for you and your family. Have courage and be who you are created to be–you will set the world afire, as St. Catherine of Sienna said. Be authentic, be Catholic and be an example to your children.
What a beautiful post PrincessAbby!! You are awesome!
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