Crucifix missing?

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How many parishes do not have a crucifix behind the alter?

What is the consequence of taking Christ off the cross for us?

Does not His Passion carry redemptive force?

What do I do when I encounter a parish without a corpus?

Joey Storer
I recently noticed when a funeral was broadcast from a local cathedral that there was a simple cross behind the alter, so I watched to see if there would be a crucifix carried in during the procession. But, no. Just another simple cross. It seemed strange to me, too. Hope someone out there knows why this would be.
Why would this be?

Because they like breaking Church law. If it was a Cathedral it means that whoever is in charge flaunts the law, which I would think at such a station they know
  1. There is also to be a cross, with the figure of Christ crucified upon it, either on the altar or near it, where it is clearly visible to the assembled congregation. It is appropriate that such a cross, which calls to mind for the faithful the saving Passion of the Lord, remain near the altar even outside of liturgical celebrations.
Joey Storer:
How many parishes do not have a crucifix behind the alter?

What do I do when I encounter a parish without a corpus?

Joey Storer
As it is an abuse of the Liturgy…write a letter to the pastor and send a copy to your Bishop. Document it with a picture as well if possible.
When I lived in Seattle I encountered such a parish. Never went back to that parish. I find the traditional parishes much more in line with my spirituality.
I believe that a parish with a plain cross instead of a crucifix is not a church, but rather a performance hall putting on a production of Handel’s Messiah. It’s the same feeling I got at my sister’s wedding (she has become a reformed evangelical), and made me physically ill. It just doesn’t make sense. We need to remember why Jesus came down from heaven and what He did for all of us. I always have said that without the Crucifixion there would be no Resurrection. Protestant churches and liberal Catholic parishes seem to have forgotten this fact.

Laura Johnston
Why would this be?

Because they like breaking Church law. If it was a Cathedral it means that whoever is in charge flaunts the law, which I would think at such a station they know
  1. There is also to be a cross, with the figure of Christ crucified upon it, either on the altar or near it, where it is clearly visible to the assembled congregation. It is appropriate that such a cross, which calls to mind for the faithful the saving Passion of the Lord, remain near the altar even outside of liturgical celebrations.
You hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately there are a lot of dissidant (and hertical in some cases) priests and bishops who “do as they wish.” It is sad.
Our parish has only the portable processional crucifix. When it is removed from the sanctuary there is only a tiny cross in the ugliest stained glass window in America. 😦
Can anyone read Vaticanese? The rule about the cross is satisfied if the processional cross is left at or near the altar during Mass. It is not mandatory that it remain there when Mass is not being said. Praiseworthy and desired, but not mandated.
Hope that helps.
My parish doesn’t have a Crucifiix behind the alter. We have the cross with a white sheet draped over it. I have debated whether to bring this up with the pastor or our worship commission. There are many controversial issues in my parish so I have let this go for now.

Has anyone else approached their pastor/parish about not having a Crucifix? What has the response been? How did you go about raising this as an issue?

God Bless,
As it is an abuse of the Liturgy…write a letter to the pastor and send a copy to your Bishop. Document it with a picture as well if possible.
Did this type of confrontational approach work for you? Why send the letter to the Bishop right away? Why not approach the pastor or someone on the worship commission first and inquire why there is no Crucifix? I have read a lot of posts in this forum and it seems the sending a confrontational letter to the Bishop doesn’t work too well.

What kind of response have others received?
Can anyone read Vaticanese? The rule about the cross is satisfied if the processional cross is left at or near the altar during Mass. It is not mandatory that it remain there when Mass is not being said. Praiseworthy and desired, but not mandated.
Hope that helps.
only if it is clearly visible to the faithful. Otherwise no.
My parish doesn’t have a Crucifiix behind the alter. We have the cross with a white sheet draped over it. I have debated whether to bring this up with the pastor or our worship commission. There are many controversial issues in my parish so I have let this go for now.

Has anyone else approached their pastor/parish about not having a Crucifix? What has the response been? How did you go about raising this as an issue?

God Bless,
Follow what the Gospels say. Take it to the priest first. If he is obstinate send letters to the bishop AND the CDW concurrently.
Follow what the Gospels say. Take it to the priest first. If he is obstinate send letters to the bishop AND the CDW concurrently.
I will repeat my post. Has anyone else approached their pastor/parish about not having a Crucifix? What has the response been? How did you go about raising this as an issue?

I appreciate the advise but did you actually do this? What was the response? Did you end up getting them to change the cross for the Crucifix? I am curious how things happened in the real world. I would appreciate hearing some anecdotes. What has been the experience of others who had a cross instead of a Crucifix?
I did contact the Priest of a Parish without a cricifix. I pointed out the GIRM and humbly requested understanding. In this case, the parishes can reflect the form of the cathedral and our cathedral has no crucifix. So, the Priest basically said it was approved by the Bishop. As for the GRIM, the Bishop was waiting for the “Final GRIM” before making changes, perhaps next year. Then the Biship passed away. Now it is left to the new Bishop when he arrives.

The Priest I contacted was a bit defensive although I asked him to not view my question as a confrontational one but more as one seeking to understand why the GRIM was not adhered to.
I will repeat my post. Has anyone else approached their pastor/parish about not having a Crucifix? What has the response been? How did you go about raising this as an issue?

I appreciate the advise but did you actually do this? What was the response? Did you end up getting them to change the cross for the Crucifix? I am curious how things happened in the real world. I would appreciate hearing some anecdotes. What has been the experience of others who had a cross instead of a Crucifix?
We have a crucifix. And an altar rail. And a tabernacle on the back altar.

The only abuse is the that draining of Holy Water fonts during Lent :mad: . (Just about all churches around me have crucifixes and tabernacles on the altar, and about half have the altar rail still)

As far as other abuses, such as the Holy Water, no sucess. But that doesn’t negate the avise. We are to correct in private first. And then go to the higher ups.
Joey Storer:
I did contact the Priest of a Parish without a cricifix. I pointed out the GIRM and humbly requested understanding. In this case, the parishes can reflect the form of the cathedral and our cathedral has no crucifix. So, the Priest basically said it was approved by the Bishop. As for the GRIM, the Bishop was waiting for the “Final GRIM” before making changes, perhaps next year. Then the Biship passed away. Now it is left to the new Bishop when he arrives.

The Priest I contacted was a bit defensive although I asked him to not view my question as a confrontational one but more as one seeking to understand why the GRIM was not adhered to.
No, even the cathedral is breaking the law.Doesn’t matter that it has no crucifix, all Masses in the Latin rite must have a crufixx near the altar visible to the laity. No priest or bishop has any authority, whatsoever, to altar the rites except where specified by law.

Was your bishop Uttenner (sp?)?
Thank God for my pastor. He insisted that our new chapel had to have a large, traditional crucifix. None of the these small “artsy” crosses or a “crucifix” with Jesus holding his hands out and smiling, but one that reminds us of the pain and suffering He went through.
As a college student, I belong to 2 differant parishes (I don’t like being to so transient. . . I actually attend mass at one of 3 Churches depending on whether I’m at home or campus, or at the biological station) Anyways, my home parish has a ‘Risen Christ’ Crucifix. I was not aware that was improper. The pastor there is normally very good about this sorta thing.
The student parish has a corpus. . . but its in the back corner ( I mentioned this in my thread about Student Parishes). Well, the processional Cross has a corpus. But its small, barely visible to anyone not in the first few rows right up front.
The weird thing, the pastor has been approached about this, but to no avail. Not even our “liturgical coordinator” (extraordinary lay minister) seems too upset about the liturgical abuse.
the 3rd parish actually seems to follow the GIRM. . . whoa. 😉

Question though- It is a liturgical abuse to drain the Holy Water for Lent? I haven’t been to a parish that doesn’t do that. Maybe some priests need to be clued in about these forums!
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