Crucifixes- Poll

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When you look at a crucifix, do you normally think of Our Lord being alive or dead on it? Why or why not?
  • Alive
  • Dead
  • Depends
  • I don’t know
0 voters
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The Crucifix shows the crucified Christ and not the Risen Christ.
Our Cathedral has a Big wooden cross with Jesus hanging on it. Jesus is not lanced in the side- no wound depicted, and Jesus eyes are open.

This is, says the Vicar General, Jesus alive and hanging on the cross, not yet died.

There are other depictions around the Diocese, with Jesus eyes closed and a wound in His side. They depict Jesus dead on the cross.

So now I always check the depiction. What the artist has done.
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most of the crucfixes i have seen, i assume Christ has been crucified and has died.
unless, his eyes are open and he is looking upward, then i would see him as suffering.
His suffering ended with His death, so no I don’t see Him as dead. I think viewing Him as alive, after all the blows and lashes and insults and exhaustion and tears, now hanging on the cross, makes it much more obvious how much He suffered for us. And how much pain He really felt in that moment before His last breath.
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Neither. I look at it and see our Savior suffers for us on the cross. It moves me with such awesome feeling of gratitude and worship. And know that by His death and suffering, I am redeemed. I am purchased at a price and my ransom is paid.

Thank you Lord.
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I agree with this, and so I answered dead.
Doesn’t mean I am dismissing the Resurrection.

To the OP:
You have posted a few polls. Are you gathering data for a paper in school?
Most of the polls are not terribly indicative of serious thought. There is no option to discuss, really.
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You have posted a few polls. Are you gathering data for a paper in school?

Most of the polls are not terribly indicative of serious thought. There is no option to discuss, really.
I just like to gather information like this, since I don’t see that this information has been gathered elsewhere. (Except for my pizza poll on the casual board. That’s just a joke.) If you have a good source for this type of information, please tell.

If it is annoying people, I will stop.
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It’s not annoying, but I don’t think it says much either.
But carry on! 😉😊
The Crucifix shows the crucified Christ and not the Risen Christ.
Depends on which…the San Damino Cross depicts the glorified body of Christ, which is the Risen Christ.

800+ years of Franciscan Theology can’t be wrong.

Pax et bonum!
Yes but an image of the Risen Christ on the cross is NOT a crucifix!
Of course it is! The only difference between a cross and a crucifix is the corpus…and the Risen Christ is the glorified body of Christ.

Recall last week’s gospel about Him showing himself to the apostles and eating the broiled fish.
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Haven’t seen your other polls, but this one is interesting imo. Oh, not the poll or results, but the question and people’s responses. If people don’t like them, they can ignore them
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