By definition, these sources are not faithful to the Magisterium. Catholics setting up a religious media without approval of their Ordinary are in defiance of Pascendi (Pope St Pius X), Vatican 2, the Code of Canon Law, and other things.
Thank you for providing the sources that led you to conclude, “By definition, these sources are not faithful to the Magisterium. Catholics setting up a religious media without approval of their Ordinary are in defiance of Pascendi (Pope St Pius X), Vatican 2, the Code of Canon Law, and other things.”
I certainly do not see your conclusion following from those sources. Do you know of any discussions anywhere that you can point to that discuss these sources and their relation to modern catholic apostolates? This seems a great leap to get to your conclusion. I am just wondering how you got there.
I have read all of these source documents (the relevant portions) and I don’t see it either. At any rate, an independent newspaper or website that reports on the Catholic Church — as opposed to “reports
for” the Catholic Church — does not seem to fall under even a stricter interpretation of
Pascendi, let alone the other sources. It would have been unusual, 100+ years ago, for a newspaper to exist that was dedicated to reportage on the Catholic Church, yet was not under her auspices, but that would not be so unusual anymore. As I noted elsewhere on this thread,
Stars and Stripes reports on the US military and is widely read by military personnel, but it is entirely independent of the military. Similar, the newspaper
The Hill reports on the US Congress, but is not part of it.
I find myself in the curious position of being an unreconstructed traditionalist (yet, as traditionalists go, I am pretty liberal)
almost defending the role of the
National Catholic Reporter. Well, all I can say, “it is what it is”, and I would just like to see them obey their bishop and drop the word “Catholic” from their masthead, just as Michael Voris — a man who never fails to elicit strong opinions from all quarters — did when he renamed his website “Church Militant”.