When an etymologist says, “this word came from there”, what he means, by necessity of his restricted job, is that where he found it being used in history was “there”.
You are asking me to assume that each etymologist works in a vacuum. They, of course, do not. There is shared data from current findings as well as findings from the past. When a particular word is encountered, the etymologist traces the word as far back as he/she can go (and continue to encounter it) with reference to the word’s usage(s) in the common vernacular of each time period where the word appears. This includes its usage in daily periodicals from that time, legal promulgations, edicts, letters, notices, etc., including more formal writings such as poetry and prose.
A consensus is taken of the word’s meaning(s) from those appearances in the then current usages, derived from the apparent intention in the sentences and paragraphs where it was found. The entire process is not so limited as one might assume. I was fortunate enough to witness a translating of the Bible when I was at Yale (just visiting, mind you!) some years ago and saw first-hand how a very similar process works.
I do not believe that their jobs are “restricted” such that they are hindered from reporting the best possible meanings of
sounds in such a limited manner. Different cultures adopted different sounds to
signify the “object” under scrutiny, or, being spoken of. Thus, sounds obtained different meanings, e. g., “feet” and “feat”. Across the many sets of peoples, common sounds signified different things. As societies commingled, those
homophones became incorporated into the general idiom of the population. Most people recognized the differences because of the usage contexts. Others “played” around with the usages in order to convey sometimes funnier ways of describing mundane exigencies.
The actual concept derivation is not something the etymologist can report on as he cannot see into their minds, but only see what written records were left behind.
But, as I said, they can read periodicals, etc. of the various times and intelligently surmise meanings from the vernaculars - on the same basis as we do today from our current vernacular.
This leads to serious error in belief of what many words meant. The meaning itself gets relegated to the last known written use rather than the concept that caused the writing to take place.
You would have to supply a not too meager list of such “serious errors of belief of what many words meant” in order to convince me. Most world languages do not take the liberties with their respective languages that we like to take. We have a severe predilection with wreaking havoc on our language because of our predilection for “spin”.
An example would be the word “race”. By etymological record, the word race has 2 distinct meanings, unassociated. Yet in reality, the word had only one concept that was used in application to different concerns.
A) race as in human race
B) race as in foot race
Again, two words that are homophonic and not related except by commonality of sound.
Etymologists report that these applications have completely different origins because as one people were using it in writings about one application, a different people were using it in writings for the other application.
And, this would be true, EXCEPT that the “sounds” usually meant something quite different to each set of people.
Thus if you were to say that the word has only a single conceptual meaning and origin, you would be declared wrong because the French used it to mean one thing and the Romans used it to mean the other thing.
Why would one do that?
This expresses the inherent limited perspective that an etymologist must yield and how it causes error in presumption of the true origins of words, which happens to be their task to determine.
Again, I must resist the temptation to view this so simplistically. I believe etymologists do an incredible job in differentiating between the different meanings extant.
By not allowing etymologists to be anything more than mechanical historians, they cannot display the sometimes obvious connection of words on the concept level which leads to false reporting as to not only what the word meant, but also from whence it came.
I do not believe this is the case, in reality. The addition of the “t” to the past participle of the Latin
occulere is what is taken from the Latin in our translations. It does not express the entirety of the parts of speech and meanings found in the Latin. The Anglicized word was all that was needed, at the time, and thus, all that was incorporated into our vernaculars, as time went on. If there is fault, it is with that first person who incorporated it in some particular usage, while ignoring the other parts of speech that could have been taken along with it. If those other parts of speech, or, tenses, were not taken into our idiom, that is not the
mea culpa of the etymologist.
Most English speaking peoples of the past spoke more than English, so the intermingling of two, or more, idioms in their common parlance was to be expected, as they understood that the rest of the gentility would understand that they were merely importing such words to amplify the meanings of what they were attempting to convey.