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I’m Lutheran and my boyfriend is Catholic. He went through Cursillo this past summer and wants me to go too. I am totally open to going. In another thread, however, I heard a lot of people saying it is just a Catholic thing. But the diocese over this cursillo let’s people of other demoninations come to it. my question is, has anyone else made a cursillo and not been Catholic at the time? What was your impression? Is there anything I should be aware of? I’m not asking anyone to reveal anything that I should wait for…but just a little info maybe. What does everyone think?
Kater…as I stated in the other thread the Cursillo is definately a Catholic movement…and it amazes me that there is any diocese that allows it to be anything other than that…I would recommend the Walk to Emmaus for any non- Catholic…at the Cursillo mass is celebrated every day along with the Eucharist…we pray the Rosary and the talks are geared towards the Catholic faith…I think that it would be difficult to fully appreciate the Cursillo without being Catholic…again, the Walk however is based upon the Cursillo movement and is a great alternative for any non-Catholic…I am also interested in where you are located and again cannot imagine that any Cursillo would be inter-denominational…the movement was started by Catholics for Catholics and that is how it is intended to be…I dont mean any disrespect in this reply and I hope none is taken.

God Bless
Kater…as I stated in the other thread the Cursillo is definately a Catholic movement…and it amazes me that there is any diocese that allows it to be anything other than that…I would recommend the Walk to Emmaus for any non- Catholic…at the Cursillo mass is celebrated every day along with the Eucharist…we pray the Rosary and the talks are geared towards the Catholic faith…I think that it would be difficult to fully appreciate the Cursillo without being Catholic…again, the Walk however is based upon the Cursillo movement and is a great alternative for any non-Catholic…I am also interested in where you are located and again cannot imagine that any Cursillo would be inter-denominational…the movement was started by Catholics for Catholics and that is how it is intended to be…I dont mean any disrespect in this reply and I hope none is taken.

God Bless
Sorry to be so blunt, but you really have no Idea what you are talking about. Normally you would be right, but check out the Diocese of Peoria Cursillo link, and call them for the answers to any questions, you might have…
Sorry to be so blunt, but you really have no Idea what you are talking about. Normally you would be right, but check out the Diocese of Peoria Cursillo link, and call them for the answers to any questions, you might have…
actually Garg I do…I’m sorry that other diocese have made the Cursillo movement open to other faiths, but that’s not at all how it was originally intended…that is why the Walk to Emmaus was started, as a non-Catholic alternative…the Cursillo weekend includes participation in the Eucharist, and also confession…a non-Catholic would not be able to participate in these sacraments therefore taking away from the weekend…I will refer you to the National Cursillo Center FAQ page question #7…I encourage anyone interested in the Cursillo to visit this site for more information.
This entire exchange reminds me of the following wisdom:

“If it walks like duck and if it quacks like a duck, you can be sure: It IS a duck.”
That Diocese is in area it is well documented that in order to go on Cursillo the candidate must be able to recieve the sacraments. That would pretty much exclude non catholics.

"What is the basic criteria for a candidate?

First, from the beginning of the Movement, the basic criteria for a person being selected has been that the candidate be in a position to receive the sacraments. Non-Catholics, including spouses, must not be accepted for a Catholic Cursillo mainly because the weekend is based on the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, Catholic doctrine and dogma. Non-Catholics should be encouraged to participate in whatever renewal program, including Cursillo,is available to them within their own denomination.

Secondly, those who have psychological or emotional problems or whose moral life is not in order, should not go. Thirdly, that they have been properly prepared for the weekend and will be taken care of in the Post Cursillo. (L.M. pg. 70/71) "
The Cursillo movement itself is orthodox & in no way centered on secretive things. As with anything else, it is only going to be as solid as the group involved. If the Cursillo movement in your diocese is aligned with the National Cursillo Movement & uses their materials & works within the mentality established in those materials… no worries! In fact, one reason I continue to be active in the movement is that it is a place where one striving for orthodoxy can find a place to express himself.

So… do a little research & then attend & enjoy the fruits of the weekend which leads many closer to Jesus, especially in the Eucharist.
ahhh Tru…maybe one day we’ll all be as wise as you…one can only hope.

God Bless and De Colores!
juanh said:
ahhh Tru…maybe one day we’ll all be as wise as you…one can only hope.

God Bless and De Colores!

Gottcha! 😉 Perhaps the wise listens to those who have been there… Do not outright reject the voice of experience Juanh. And I do not mean mine. I mean the experience of the Catholic saints. Read them and maybe… learn a thing or two. Be careful with the novelties… go instead for the classics. You know… “Tried, tested and true” 😃
😃 I’m trying every day brother…every day…and my Cursillo experience is just a part of the journey, one part I’m thrilled to have been a part of.

God Bless
my apologies…sister!!
Hi brother juanh

Its nice to know there is another cursilista here. De colores.

Blessings of Christ To You 🙂

thanks and don’t worry…we’re EVERYWHERE!!!:D…glad to see you here also!!

God Bless and De Colores!!!
ok, i think my original idea for this post was pretty much abandoned. I had hoped to find some answers…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I believe juanh has answered your question very well. As a non-Catholic you can try the Walk To Emmaus, which is based on the Cursillo. The Cursillo itself is geared to Catholics and has a lot of very Catholic practices, like the Eucharist and the Holy Mass which is celebrated daily, which a non-Catholic might not be able to fully appreciate.

Gerry 🙂
ok, i think my original idea for this post was pretty much abandoned. I had hoped to find some answers…hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Kater, as I stated before I mean no disrespect…but the Peoria Diocese can call their weekend whatever they want(I can gather a group of friends, play some football and call it the Superbowl but that doesn’t make it so), but if it is open to non-Catholics then it is most definately not a Cursillo…that is one sanctioned by the National Cursillo Center which prints the Cursillo manuals and oversees the Cursillo formats and official Cursillo’s in the US…that being said, if you think that participating in their weekend will bring you closer to Jesus, strengthen your faith, give you a new outlook on your spirituality, etc. …then I would encourage you to partake in the event…again, excuse my enthusiasm when discussing the Cursillo movement, but it’s something I take VERY seriously as it has changed my life for the better in many ways…I just find it insulting in a way what some groups have done with the program and what they have turned it into.

God Bless and De Colores!!
Excuse my ignorance here, but I’ve never even heard of Cursillo. I’ve gone on several 3-day silent, Ignatian retreats put on by the Jesuits. Does anybody know the similarities/differences between the two?
DBT…the Cursillo is a movement over 50 years old…it’s basically a 3 and a half day “short course” on Chritianity involving numerous talks, individual discussions, witnessing, celebration of the Eucharist and more…for plenty of information please go to this website.
actually Garg I do…I’m sorry that other diocese have made the Cursillo movement open to other faiths, but that’s not at all how it was originally intended
**Apparently you don’t, call them and ask them why, and listen! I am not going explain it to you, they will do a better job…

Use the link in my last post to visit their site, and their contact info is on there. Call and talk to them, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Ask for Deacon Bill.

Peoria Director/Diocesan Asst.:
Deacon Bill Read

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