My father is not handling my engagement well at all even though he gave permission. What do I do?
Is there any money involved here? Will your sister be getting money from an inheritance or does she bring in money he would no longer able to count on or would he have to hire someone to do what she does or is he not happy to be paying for her wedding? Men often have money on their minds more than sentiment.our dad really doesn’t have what you would call a “close relationship” with my sister (migurl),
He doesn’t do that kinda thing, it not like he hates her, but he just wouldn’t get upset over losing his “baby”
I don’t understand it either
Not reallyIs there any money involved here? Will your sister be getting money from an inheritance or does she bring in money he would no longer able to count on or would he have to hire someone to do what she does or is he not happy to be paying for her wedding? Men often have money on their minds more than sentiment.
I agree. The Spencer Tracy version is fabulous…although I do like the scene in the newer one where Steve Martin gets thrown in the pokey for trying to save money through making the buns match the hot dogs.rent father of the bride (either version but personally I like the Spencer Tracy version better) and watch it with your dad.
I was going to recommend the same thing! Unless your dad likes “old movies” I would watch the new Steve Martin version, but I personally like both. The new one is of course, more up to date and has alot more detail. Have a family “movie theater” night, pop some popcorn and watch it together. It might sound cheesy but he might need to see that to pop him into reality, and realize that he needs to deal with whatever he is dealing with, which is probably a combination of things. Steve Martin is upset that he has to spend money, sad that he will miss his girl and had trouble liking the fiance. I like the newer version for this purpose because it shows detail of what the father and daughter are going through, and his transformation into accepting and helping with the wedding.rent father of the bride (either version but personally I like the Spencer Tracy version better) and watch it with your dad.
Watch it again, it wouldn’t hurt and it would be fun. If it helps him, great, if not, nothing lost. It isn’t going to be a miracle drug but it might help him to realize why he is being bothered. He might think he isn’t showing it.I think my dad has seen one of those, I’m not sure
but like i said…it isn’t anything THAT simple
I guess we could ask him
but who knows if he’ll answer