Daily Meditation - Friday 8th. Feb 2008 - SHIFTING THE EMPHASIS

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Further Reflection

Woody Allen once quipped that 80 percent of success is just showing up. Well, if that’s the case, then the other 20 percent must be absolutely crucial! There are plenty of people who “just show up”—maybe at work, with their families, or in their neighborhoods—but don’t go much further, and the results are evident.

Think about the Israelites in today’s first reading. “Why do we fast, and you do not see it?” they asked the Lord. “Why do we afflict ourselves, and you take no note of it?” (Isaiah 58:3). They had met God’s requirements by denying themselves, so they wondered why he hadn’t done his part and answered their requests. After all, they “showed up,” didn’t they?

The answer was that something was missing from their sacrifice—their hearts! Just maybe, it wasn’t God but Israel who needed to come around to a new way of thinking.
Whenever we practice self-denial, it’s natural to want to focus on ourselves. But fasting is really an invitation to put off self-concerns and personal pursuits, and to begin to pursue justice and peace. The kind of fasting the prophet advised is more than giving up food, drink, or pleasure.
When we go out and serve others, we are fasting from “self” in the truest sense.
We start to see that our comfort doesn’t matter so much, and we become hungry—hungry to do the will of God!

You don’t have to go too far to find this kind of food. There are hundreds of ways you can give—and receive—a blessing. At home, you can take more time to listen to what family members are saying and to respond with compassion and sincerity. At work, you can put relationships ahead of profit, or reach out to a coworker who is struggling. When you see a homeless person, try offering encouragement as well as practical help.
Ask the Lord how you can make a difference
He wants you to step out and offer
your gifts and talents
As you do, he will transform you

into his image!
“Holy Spirit, I choose to join you in bringing the good news to those who are hurting. May I bring them your light of compassion, and share with them the power of your gospel!”
Thanx for this inspiring and timely post. As we begin our Lent season we may meditate on the words:
…Oh Lord you are great and greatly to be praised you made us yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you"
St. Augustine
When I renewed my commitment to God In April 2007, I started seeing the sense in St. Augustine’s words because on our journey to Salvation we keep on discovering many things that need to be done in order to clear up our path to eternal life. Who can say, “I have made my heart clean, I am cleansed of my sin”? Prov.20:9.We have an extra mile to go. When one offers his/her heart to Jesus he/she will strive to keep in state of grace at all times. This is done by regular and sincere confession of all mortal sins(and venial sins)
External rites or sacrifices do not please God unless accompanied by internal worship and right moral conduct; cf Proverb 15:8.
The Lord is a secret witness to whatever is done by the children He created Himself, so try to avoid any thing you do not want Jesus to witness.

Apart from that great hope of seeing The Virgin Mary and other Saints the daily activities are blessed and normally(if not always successful) for there is no work done for the Lord is in vain.

May the Good Lord bless the work of your hands in this Lent and for ever:highprayer:
Excellent post and inspirational…thank you very much.👍
May the Good Lord bless the work of your hands in this Lent and for ever:highprayer:
" O Lord, grant success to the work of our hands" Please hear our prayers…
Blessings - Barb
I “do my part” and may think that God has some sort of an obligation to then do what I am asking. Truth is that when I do my part, God then responds truly with what is necessary and what is necessary for my good (and that of all) is not necessarily what I am wanting and asking. For this reason, I need thank God and rejoice in Him - for no matter what may be happening in my life it is for my betterment, for my good - and mysteriously a contribution to the “big picture” and the good of all.

If things are difficult in my life I may be unable to stir feelings of gratefulness and joy in myself…but I can be thankful and rejoice in my will - and rejoice spiritually and give thanks. If, indeed, I find joy in suffering (feelings of joy), then am I truly suffering? Feelings reside in the passions, in the senses…but Faith, Hope and Charity and all the virtues reside in the will. If I have feelings, say, of overwhelming humility it most often and always passes…but that humility that is in the will remains stable. It is quite true that for some, what resides in the will overflows into the senses - but the senses or what is felt remains secondary and a result not cause, while the origin and cause is in the will. This is why those who may be quite unable to feel much at all have no cause for concern - rather look at or examine what I believe, what I hold to be true…and if I am true to the Grace granted me, then I will be striving to live out what I believe and hold to be true (and the result of Grace), and that striving is everything…success is a result of the striving and due to Grace since I cannot even think the very most minute good thought without God as the origin and cause.

To read about fasting and the reasons, go to:
Further Reflection (from Opening Post)

Blessings - Barb:)
Wow, I will always thank Him for His Guidance and compassion.

What a wonderful site!

God bless you.
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