I am talking about not taking offense rather than being offensive…and yes I would say that someone like me for example can speak to those who many on here would scare away. But explaining God over people is difficult when the examples are few. Some who would follow me toward the church would not come when I am a minority of what they see. I would say many on here would fair better bringing in hardline protestants as much as the same kid of protestants can bring in those kind of Catholics. But in regards to atheists and lapse or those who believe kind of but question the people sometimes see me as a relatable person but also, see me as a minority and anomaly. This makes me a bit of a gap bridger, but I do not know how to sell the idea beyond myself when he that might walk with me would turn at the sight of others. It is easy for those in the cut to say it is on them…it kinda is, but I think especially for those who haven’t been away to fully understand how much the idea is lost on someone. Asking them to come to the Church does not carry the same meaning that many who are in the church percieve.I used to be a moderator on a Christian board and yes, there really are people who are intentionally offensive and will defend that tactic vehemently.
But honestly, I don’t think most people are offensive intentionally. I think sometimes it’s a personality thing; other times they are at a spiritual maturity level where they truly believe they are “taking a stand for the Lord.”
Consider this - flip your proposal around. If you think a person can drive others away from God and church and are therefore responsible for that person’s soul being lost … wouldn’t it also stand to reason that a person can “save” another person’s soul?
Certainly we can help one another, “lead” others to Christ to a degree; but we don’t save others and we also don’t have the power to condemn them.
I’m not saying we won’t be held accountable for our words & actions; I think we will be. But it bothers me sometimes when I hear people blame others for their own choices.
Again, I don’t mean you specifically and I’m very happy you decided to seek HimI just know other individuals personally who have left the church or who refuse to be part of any church because they’ve been hurt. I’m sincerely sorry for their pain … but also weary of the way they blame everyone else and sometimes use it as an excuse to be separated from God.
You know kind of like Jesus hanging with sinners, he could not have done so if he could not tolerate how they speak/act within a certain sense… obviously he wasn’t like “oh great sins dude!” But if they weren’t sinning, I imagine they were rough around the edges? You hang with a prostitute turned non sinner, you think she is going to talk like your sweet dear grandma? But do we scare her off because she talks a bit like a street walker even though she is despite mannerisms and speech not sinning? Or at least trying not to… i am not talking of the evil/active sinners so much as the decent person whose manner is like that of a sinner compared to some.