I think you are confusing the term ‘faith’ with ‘reasonable expectation’. And that’s being very generous.
I think you are confusing the immaterial with the material. Faith, the belief in things unseen, never contradicts science, the belief in things seen. However, scientists who make claims that are beyond their data lose their mantle as scientists for such claims (about the unseen) and become philosophers of the metaphysical.
So, there is no need to be generous; just fair – faith is always in agreement with the right reasonable expectation. Not all apparently reasonable expectations are correct – the earth isn’t flat and is not at the center of the universe.
Fact: Science does not contradict Catholic faith. The imagination of some evolutionary scientists do contradict and we dismiss their musings as pure fantasy.
I dont need your God; I have science to explain everything. Your religion is a crutch for weak minds. You use superstition; I use science. (Yes and No...
Sal : And if science says one thing and religion says another, if there’s a contradiction between them, then one of the two has to be wrong doesn’t it?
Chris : Yes.
Sal : So if science is true and religion contradicts it, then religion is false.
Chris : Oh, but religion never does contradict it.
Sal : Never?
Chris : Never. Show me one discovery of science that contradicts one belief of my religion.
Sal : That’s easy. Evolution.
Chris : Evolution is a theory. I asked for a discovery.
Sal : Science has discovered evolution.
Chris : No. Science has discovered a lot of old bones.
Sal : And they prove evolution. Man evolved from the apes.
Chris : No, they prove we came after the apes, if the dating is right. But how we came is another question. Science can’t see the answer to that question in bones. How could it?
Sal : But nearly all scientists believe the theory of evolution. Don’t you?
Chris : I honestly don’t know. I’m not a scientist. And neither are you.