Much good advice has followed your question. I am curious, you say he has admitted to being an alcoholic. Is he in treatment or taking steps to overcome this addiction? I hope so.
Do not even think of dating him until he is clean and sober for at least a year. Do not spend time with him even as a “friend.” A woman’s natural nurturing approach will make it very difficult to extract yourself…he “needs” you. That is almost irresistable.
I speak from the perspective of the daughter of an alcoholic and as the former SIL of an alcoholic. My sister thought she could fix him or save him. She couldn’t He almost killed her in a car accident, became physically abusive to her and their children. Both children are a mess, both addicts themselves. Realize that alcoholism runs in families and if you want to marry this guy, your children are at risk for a greater likelihood of substance abuse.
Run, do not walk. Pray for him but avoid getting involved even as a “friend.”
There’s a lot of good advice here today.
But Lisa’s last line, for me encapsulates a lot of good advice and talk on this thread.
RUN…Don’t walk.!!! Pray for him. Don’t get involved. (This action could be the wake up call he needs, who knows?..right now that’s a “him problem” not a “you problem”).
WHY? I’m an alcoholic. (currently in remission, one day at a time, and through the Grace of God). Even if he went into treatment today…the advice (more like a rule), is NOT to get involved in any relationships for at least one year.
There’s an old saying and there’s A LOT OF TRUTH to it >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Alcoholics don’t get into relationships…they take hostages.
Just everyday folks have enough problems…you don’t need to get involved with this guy with all this baggage…And from my experience as a “booze bag” (that’s a term I use for me),for many years…The baggage is more like a giant steamer trunk on your back.
There’s plenty of good men out there if you look around and choose carefully.
(And that year thing, that’s his business too, when he thinks he’s ready, let someone else roll the dice on him.) Maybe I sound hard…But it takes one to know one, every real alcoholic ,is just one drink away from his true love…forever. That’s also why I use the term, “Remission” instead of Recovery, to describe my journey.
In my opinion, you recover from the flu…cancer like alcoholism, goes into remission.
That’s this alcoholics opinion and experience.
Go to a few Al-anon meetings and listen to the experiences of the people fighting in the trenches with active Alcoholics…If that don’t send you running…well.
If you really want a “fixer upper” buy an old house, it might hurt your wallet ,but it won’t break your heart ,and ruin your life.
Just make sure it has a good foundation…you’ll find in life, everything, houses, relationships, businesses, Faith…Lasting ones always start with a good foundation.
Good luck to you, and God Bless.