Daughter and wife do not see need for Catholic education and Sunday obligation

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They view my insistence on the above as evidence of my dictatorial, outmoded beliefs.

My wife thinks I am causing rebellion in my teenager.

“None of the other parent’s insist on rigorous Sunday Mass attendance”.

What’s a Dad to do?

They must not believe in the Real Presence. If they did, they would WANT to go to Mass as often as possible. Start there. Use the various tracts on the CA homepage to support the truth that Christ is substantially present in the Eucharist.
What do they see is fit? Do you all attend Sunday Mass?

Seems like you are doing the right thing. Don’t let them win. Pray and God will guide them. As long as you show them the way, they will follow. Be that Shepard and the sheep will follow… 👍
I am praying, but we had such an explosive discussion last night I have decided to ease up a bit and let them decide and not remain insistent. Maybe with prayer and breathing room, they wil come around. This has gone on for years and they seem to be loaded for bear at present. 😦

I would tell them also to look at a Crucifix and see the sacrafice made for them. Then ask them if it is too much of a sacrafice to take one hour out of their week to go to Mass–which can actually be a pleasant experience!👍
Well, just inform them that if they do not go to Mass they will burn in the fires of hell for all eternity and leave it up to them. Then pray for them. That is what I tell my kids when they do wrong.
They view my insistence on the above as evidence of my dictatorial, outmoded beliefs.

My wife thinks I am causing rebellion in my teenager.

“None of the other parent’s insist on rigorous Sunday Mass attendance”.

What’s a Dad to do?

I am so sorry to hear this SulEagan!!! I don’t know what to say…since when did mass become optional? I am a single mom with 3 teens and thank the Lord my kids love going to mass. I have always stressed the “celebration” aspect to them. Maybe that would help. Your wife is wrong by the way…kids are begging for limits when they are teens, they just don’t know it. I consider myself blest because my kids insist on mass even if they have to go without me like when I had the flu…all of them still got up and dressed and made it off to church, I took it for granted that they would do that. Perhaps when I say my prayers tonight I should include a prayer of thanks to you for opening my eyes to how others suffer with mass obligation. I have had so many other trials in my life thank God this wasn’t one of them! I will pray for your family, may they see the joy and truly celebratory nature of mass.
They view my insistence on the above as evidence of my dictatorial, outmoded beliefs.

My wife thinks I am causing rebellion in my teenager.

“None of the other parent’s insist on rigorous Sunday Mass attendance”.

What’s a Dad to do?

Tell her, “if you are right than none of the other parents are living up to their promise to raise their children Catholic.”

Then I would ask my wife flat out if by saying Sunday Mass isn’t necessary, is she now saying she does not intend to raise the children Catholic? Did she promise to do so, and if she did, what does she think that means, if not obey even the bare minimum requirement of one hour per week?

If she is backing out on her promise, then I wish you good luck as you try to keep those children on the right path without her help. If your wife is against you, then you have little hope for success with your daughter. Focus on the unity issue with your wife because she has your proxy and she and you are using the same name to give your daughter conflicting messages.

Remind your wife that a parent’s first responsibility is to work for the salvation of the children. If she fails in her duty to her daughter, she will be called to account for it at her particular judgement. When she comes before the judgement of Christ, and He asks, “Your daughter’s salvation was at stake. Why didn’t you do everything you could to save her?” what will she say?
First of all I deeply appreciate everyones’ replies and prayers.

Discussing these points with my wife and daughter is difficult because they are seemingly secularized despite weekly Mass and despite in my daughter’s case, Catholic ED that probably has spent too little time on Catechetics for lack of a better term.

They believe that the “do it yourself” approach is ok, that Church rules are not really mandatory and I imagine, that God is loving and ain’t gonna hang 'em out to dry. While that may be true, God will judge us finally. I am just trying to get us all closer to Him, despite my own failings which are numerous and flagrant.

Thanks again to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. 👍
They view my insistence on the above as evidence of my dictatorial, outmoded beliefs.

My wife thinks I am causing rebellion in my teenager.

“None of the other parent’s insist on rigorous Sunday Mass attendance”.

What’s a Dad to do?

You leave me with many questions: When did your wife and/or child begin to 'note your dictatorial beliefs? Your wife should have known before you married her that you don’t joke with matters of your faith, the centre of which is the Mass. Did you ever get her to know that from the start?

You have not been able, for at least thirteen years to get your child to love the Sunday Mass (talk less of the daily Mass). What have you been doing to her? How many times did you sacrifice your Sunday morning comfort to wash, dress and take her (humming tunes to her all the way) to Mass since she began to walk(assuming your wife is non-chalant)?

How have you made her appreciate attending the Holy Mass with the same desire with which she looks forward to visiting her closest friend or grandparents or expect her favourite meal?

Are you truly not dictatorial? Pardon my blunt position: All I hear you say is like: "Folks, I’d like my wife and child to be good Catholics and attend Sunday Mass regularly, but they wouldn’t. And I ask: What practical steps have you taken? We can only advise you based on your efforts, for the ONLY person who can get them to love the Mass as you do is YOU.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes my wife did know from the start about my Catholic resolve.

Yes I have since the kids were little gotten them going in the morning.

 Dicatatorial?  Clear, direct, but I don't think really dictatorial.
Maybe for this day and age…
I think it is a power struggle.
Well, as you’ve already stated your usual approach isn’t working so it’s time for a fresh look at the situation…

Right now your wife and daughter are resisting ‘commands’ to do this, or that. So it looks like the ordering can stop and the inviting should begin.

You need to have a real discussion with your wife first…asking her to explain where she is spiritually. She is likely to say a lot of things that upset you, but you have to not speak (you’ve already had your say anyway)…at this point it’s important to really listen to what she is saying…try to figure out what’s lacking in her spiritual development. So the questions you’ll be asking will be intended to draw more of her thoughts out into the open…often times, saying things out loud helps clarify one’s position. Maybe when she hears herself saying ‘why’ she doesn’t agree with Church guidelines it’ll ring as ‘wrong’ in her own head. When you feel you’ve gotten as much insight as possible thank her for being open with you, hug her and reassure her that you love her. Then go about your usual business.

Another day, have another discussion with your wife…this time asking her to share her insights into your daughter’s resistance to Church guidelines. Ask leading questions, clarifying questions, but don’t argue, don’t lecture, resist that urge for now. It’s an information gathering session for you. When the conversation is over, thank her and hug her again for being such a good wife/mother by helping you understand your family. And walk away.

In between these two discussions you will be reflecting on what you’ve learned and praying about how best to work with where they are spiritually to help guide them back on the right path.

Once you know their issues, you’ll find on these boards lots of audio, book and website references to access to help you reach your wife and daughter. When you’ve gathered your resources, listened to them, read them, determined which are best suited for each personality (so that they’ll at least listen or read it themselves) then you sit down with your wife again.

This time you thank her again for sharing her feelings with you earlier. You tell her you’ve been reflecting on what she said and have prayed about it because as her husband you take your marriage vows seriously with regard to the part about growing spiritually together through your marriage. Then share with her where you are in your spiritual development, how you came to reach that level and how it means so much to you. Ressure her along the way that you aren’t saying all this to counter her positions, just that you want her to understand where you are. In the end, it should be evident to her that the two of you aren’t on the same page. From there you ask her for her help.

Somehow, tenderly and lovingly, you need to bring her back emotionally to your wedding day…reflecting on the vows taken at the time - particularly the one about raising your children in the faith. Bring her to the realization that as parents, the two of you can’t fulfill that obligation when you aren’t on the same page spiritually, so ask her how the two of you can bring your two sides closer together. Not that you want her to change completely and not that you can change your position either, but somewhere there must be compromises which can be made for the sake of the daughter. Perhaps start with those issues your daughter needs most help with right now. If you can get your wife to see how the path the daughter is on is not in her best interest in the long run (particularly for when she dates and gets thrown into the sex/alcohol pressures).


Have your wife project into the future what she wishes for her daughter. Does she want her to be married? Have children? Does she want her to be sexually experienced or a virgin? Is she willing to risk her daughter’s sexual health (stds) for gaining ‘experience’? Is experience without a cost emotionally? Does she really wish her daughter to have to experience the loss of herself with each ending of sexual relationships? Based on the picture of the future, work together to find the best way to get your daughter ready for what lies ahead. That should help.

My husband and I did quite a bit of changing spiritually because of our teens. For a good 15 years we didn’t really discuss where each of us was spiritually…just assuming we were on the same page on most matters… but then my son started rejecting the faith and I went into learning mode. I listened to what his objections were and did the research…shared what I found with him and he came around. In the process I brought hubby on board having found out he had some real gaps in his beliefs as well.

Communication is the key…but it’s all about listening and learning, not arguing or debating.

Good luck!
Thanks for your thoughtful post.

I will try it. Right now it would be viewed as more manipulation on my part. I will try this when things cool down.

The discussion has gone on over 17 yrs and because I won’t yield, that’s a problem.

I will read and reread your response to better understand how to approach and communicate.

Oh, have a listen to Romance Without Regret from the Pure Love Club…it’s an eye opener.

If you think you can get your wife to listen some day, have her do so with you, then that could be a springboard for discussing how best to help your daughter.

I listened to the Public High School version, then had my 15 year old daughter listen to it. She applauded at the end, right there in our living room…its that good.
Thanks for your thoughtful post.

I will try it. Right now it would be viewed as more manipulation on my part. I will try this when things cool down.

The discussion has gone on over 17 yrs and because I won’t yield, that’s a problem.

I will read and reread your response to better understand how to approach and communicate.

You’re welcome.
It might not hurt to start everything off with an apology from you to your wife. Apologize for being as bullheaded about these things for so long, how you recognize now that being so insistent wasn’t making it easy for her to open up to you with things that may be troubling her, and that your approach probably has led to the rebellious attitude in your daughter. Thank her for helping you see that, and then ask her to help you find another way by having a ‘real’ discussion with him about what Catholicism means to her.

Then from there ask the leading questions…

It took 17 years for you to get to this point…it might take a while to realign yourselves, but what helped with hubby and me was the age of the kids. Daughter 15, son 17…I kept reminding him they were under our roof for only a few more short years so we had to come together quickly in order to help them now. That motivated us and helped us get past the personal defense mechanisms we threw up in the past.
Thanks again, I will try the apology.

We don’t have a crisis with our daughter. She has to this point been very careful.

My wife did say she is planning to get far away after high school and thinks I should cool the “steering”. It’s not that I sit on a throne or something, it is more the case of “we’re Catholic, the Church says we must do this”, that riles them.

I am disturbed by the secular media influence and the feeling of my wife that curbing that is not a battle worth fighting. My daughter is annoyed that I would think she needs cautioning about pitfalls, because “I’m not dumb”.
Thanks again.
I have been experiencing a similar thing.

Fr Corapi said " I am not going to hell for any of you" referrring to the fact he was bound to preach the truth.

I told my kids that it is God given duty as a father to tell them the truth and that when they make their decisions they will never be able to say Dad didn’t teach them I repeated the above quote from Fr Corapi.

I also remind them of the 4th Commandment. I try to explain that Mass is the most important thing for Catholics, the source and summit of our faith. I tell them it is my duty and (I am not going to hell for any of them) I take it seriously that I get them to Mass.
Thanks again, I will try the apology.
We don’t have a crisis with our daughter. She has to this point been very careful.
My wife did say she is planning to get far away after high school and thinks I should cool the “steering”. It’s not that I sit on a throne or something, it is more the case of “we’re Catholic, the Church says we must do this”, that riles them.
I am disturbed by the secular media influence and the feeling of my wife that curbing that is not a battle worth fighting. My daughter is annoyed that I would think she needs cautioning about pitfalls, because “I’m not dumb”.

Thanks again.
I certainly understand your concern. My two have attended public school the entire time (except my son had a short stint at Catholic school for 1st & 2nd grade) and maybe one or two of their friends practice any religion at all. They’re great kids though, just the same.

All along their development we have used the secular media as teaching tools for Catholicism. We’d watch the shows, the movies and listen to the music - and discuss why they’re good and where they go against God. We can appreciate Green Day and Eminem for their music and their lyrics. While they certainly would be better not using foul language to get their message across, in context, the foul language is warranted - for the musicians. Never for us, however, and that’s where they’ve learned how to be different under peer pressure.

My teens are up on pop-culture, but they don’t swear, they don’t drink, don’t smoke. Their friends don’t drink or smoke. My daughter’s friends don’t swear but most of my son’s friends do and he has at times asked them to tone it down around him.

They appreciate Emo and Goth for what it means to those who follow it, but don’t have a need to go there themselves. I remember when my daughter wanted Tarot cards and a mini-book of potions at 13. The answer was no, plain and simple. She asked why not and I explained it is part of a different ‘religion’, and actually is a cult thing more than anything else, and even just a little dabbling is dangerous. I asked her what would happen if she found herself enjoying tarot reading, would she want to experiment with crystals, and then potions? She said that, yeah, she probably would. So then I asked where her curiosity would end and if she could see where the time she invested in tarot reading, crystology, and potions would be time away from her prayers - and whether she could see how Satan would be pleased with that? She put the cards down and hasn’t asked again.

When puberty hit, hubby and I did preach more than we used to about being Catholic and chaste, etc. They both pretty much told us to relax…that they understand Church teaching, they agree with it and respect it. They promised to keep their guard up and asked us to trust them more, reminding us that they’ve never given us any reason not to. So we backed off on the preaching but keep the talking going.

We find that as they share the stories about what their friends are going thru they are able to point out to us where the mistakes are being made by their friends, and they ask us how they can help them do better, so they really are on the right track.

I didn’t mean to suggest you have a crisis with your daughter, but if she’s starting to buck a basic guideline like Keeping Holy the Sabbath, what will be next? Your addressing the issue with your wife is more geared toward prevention not intervention. Open communication with your daughter in which she can share with you where he spiritual compass lies will establish mutual trust and respect. You can get the message of “We are Catholic” without coming across as demanding. Teens are old enough to form their own opinions and they really want to, so it’s our job to make sure they have access to all the information they need to come to their conclusions. When we offer them the resources they view it as an indication that we are seeing them as the young adults they are instead of the little children they were. That makes a big difference at their age.
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