DaVinci Code on 20/20

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I didnt even waste my time

Did anybody really think they were gonna a balanced assessment from 20/20 regarding their Faith? 😛

Its ABC…Its a LIBERAL station…past experience has ALWAYS shown that when Catholicism gets discussed they ALWAYS put on a renegade priest and usually some reprobate “scholar” claiming to be Catholic.

I dont even waste my time with the History Channel for the same reasons… a few weeks back they ran a special in which a Priest tied UFOs into the Ten Commandments…he said God sent down a UFO to bring Moses up to the mountain. :rolleyes:
Someone here mentioned the danger inherent in this book and all the media swarm over it, i.e. that it will lead a lot of Christians & even Catholics astray. Sad but true. While many of us can see through it to the fictional garbage that it really is, there are many supposedly intelligent and well-educated people that believe it. I work at a university, and some months ago when “Da Vinci Code” was the thing to read, I was at lunch with some professors who were talking about it. One in particular went on about how credible it was, especially the bit about Opus Dei being a secret society, etc., and how the Church has engaged in conspiracies to hide all sorts of things for centuries. This man claims to be a Catholic, but what’s worse is that as a young man, he not only met Padre Pio but touched one of his hands bearing the stigmata. How terribly sad is that, to have encountered a living saint only to let your faith weaken to the point where you believe pop fiction over the truth?
Yes, it would be a comedy, except that many people, including Catholics think that the book is fact not fiction.

so what if Jesus was married? It doesn’t destroy my faith. I think many of the things put forward by the author would upset Evangelicals and Fundamentalists more. We Catholics believe that the Bible is the word of God, but we don’t believe in “Sola Scriptura”.

On art historian pointed out that the image of St. John in the Last Supper was actually Mary Magdalen. Well, where is St. John in the painting? There are 12 apostles. Judas is depicted. Remember, the painting was painted 1500 years after Christ performed the miracle of changing the bread and wine into His Body and Blood.

Dan Brown got most of his information from another book “Holy Blood, Holy Grail”. One of the authors was interviewed on that show. He made money on the book but shied away from committing to a defenite anwswer when asked if he believed in his own theories!!!

I saw a show on Sunday night that tried to show that Columbas wasn’t Italian (now WWIII starts!). He was actually a Catalon mercenary and of royal blood (Not Jewish, as one theory pertained.). They reinacted his marriage to a loyal Portugues woman, and the priest blessed them with his LEFT hand!!!
I place no credence on any of those shows.
I didn’t read Da Vinci Code, won’t even watch 20/20. I have started avoiding many secular programs. I think eventually I won’t even turn on the TV except for Fox News analysis shows.

My daughter served in the Persian Gulf this year on deployment and I learned just how deceptive our news is.

Now I pray, take care of my family, go to church, listen to Catholic Radio, participate in the Forums, and my life is better. Since I have done this, when I do channel surf I am repusled!

However, my whole Catholic family has read the Da Vince Code. I am going to buy one of the suggested Decoding books and leave it in our family book swap. My family reads like crazy and we share books at every family party. I am having the next one, and the book will be waiting for someone to take. Up until now I have just said, you do know it’s all lies don’t you?
HELP!!! This was posted in another Catholic forum…

“Did anyone see “Jesus, Mary and DaVinci” last night ?”​

this was on ABC last PM. It had the author of the DaVinci Code on as well as Catholic priests and religious scholars.

I was looking for a good fight so, I watched. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be. The primary ? of the show was about Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene. Were they married?? Did they have a family together??

They contacted the US Council of Catholic Bishops for the churches position on the matter. Apparantly there is no official position but it is felt that Jesus never married. the priest they interviewed said it is a possibility. If God came to walk among us, as one of us, why wouldn’t he marry??

Just wondering what you think of the idea. How, if at all, would this change things for our church?? Would it change anything for your faith personally??

See the damage one of these terrible shows does ? :eek:
I need quotes, documents resources …anything to refute this garbage …
Mary Donahue:
HELP!!! This was posted in another Catholic forum…

“Did anyone see “Jesus, Mary and DaVinci” last night ?”​

this was on ABC last PM. It had the author of the DaVinci Code on as well as Catholic priests and religious scholars.

I was looking for a good fight so, I watched. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be. The primary ? of the show was about Jesus’ relationship with Mary Magdalene. Were they married?? Did they have a family together??

They contacted the US Council of Catholic Bishops for the churches position on the matter. Apparantly there is no official position but it is felt that Jesus never married. the priest they interviewed said it is a possibility. If God came to walk among us, as one of us, why wouldn’t he marry??

Just wondering what you think of the idea. How, if at all, would this change things for our church?? Would it change anything for your faith personally??

See the damage one of these terrible shows does ? :eek:
I need quotes, documents resources …anything to refute this garbage …
jesus was married … TO THE CHURCH. If he was having sexual relations with mary mag, that would be adultery, and if he married her, that would be polygamous. What do you think?
I bought the Olson and Miesel book through Catholic Answers, and received CA’s Report on DaVinci Code FREE. 👍
The book is VERY informative and indepth!!!

Also, the two authors were interviewed at 'Catholic Answers Live." on June 25, 2004
It’s on the calendar here–> catholic.com/radio/calive.asp?date=6/1/2004

You can hear it with realPlayer.

And be prepared, folks.

Hollywood is going to make “DaVinci Code” the movie, currently to be directed by Ron Howard.
I bought and read “Cracking Da Vinci’s Code” … it gave me some ammo, but there was also a good bit of anti-Catholic comments ([aggravation]).
I stated this in another thread, but it seems who are likely to believe this book also swear by sola scripture.
I bought and read “Cracking Da Vinci’s Code” … it gave me some ammo, but there was also a good bit of anti-Catholic comments ([aggravation]).
I haven’t read this yet, but intended to buy in the near future. I’m really curious…what were the anti-Catholic comments? I thought the authors were both Catholic?
jesus was married … TO THE CHURCH. If he was having sexual relations with mary mag, that would be adultery, and if he married her, that would be polygamous. What do you think?
I’ve heard that Jesus is married to the Church, priests are married to the Church, and nuns are married to Jesus. Interesting combination. Which is official doctrine?

If marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman, is the Church a woman? Is this a variation on the definition of marriage?
I’ve heard that Jesus is married to the Church, priests are married to the Church, and nuns are married to Jesus. Interesting combination. Which is official doctrine?

If marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman, is the Church a woman? Is this a variation on the definition of marriage?
it is a term that is used to show devotion, the same way people say they are married to their job.
i watched the show last night solely for the purpose of educating myself on what kind of garbage is out there so i can be prepared with answers to questions that will certainly arise.

the leaps they took in making their assumptions was unbelievable. at one point they stated the mary mag. and jesus were married because it says in scripture that when he appeared to her outside of the tomb she “clinged” to him. they want me to believe that because they use the greek word for “cling” that they were married??? give me a break. :banghead:

i just worry so much about the people out there who will believe it or even simply develop doubts about the catholic church because of this nonsense.
I was, at one time, interested in journalism. Since the year 2001 I have had to filter so much of what comes into my home, that we rarely even watch the news anymore, I sift through news on the internet during the day and find it to be more than enough to keep me up to date, and I’m not forced to contend with garbage. I attempt to make my home a refuge. The worst was a few weeks ago I decided to turn on headline news for a few minutes since I had not seen the news for several days. My 3yr old son and I were the only people home and he was playing a computer phonics game. Pretty soon a story about children viewing too much violence in the media came on and my son walked in long enough to see the wonderful visual they had for this story… EXTREME VIOLENCE!!! It showed a man shooting another with a gun… I hurried up and turned it off and haven’t turned on HNN since! I am hoping he didn’t see it all.

The Media is extremely irresponsible. They have the right to print/show whatever they want without the sense of responsibility for fariness and truth. It’s all about the money and being on top of the competition, this doesn’t necessarily make for the best journalism. It breeds sensationalism, controversy, exaggeration, and scandal, all to catch a few moments attention from a public with short attention spans, and obsessed with entertainment.
jesus was married … TO THE CHURCH. If he was having sexual relations with mary mag, that would be adultery, and if he married her, that would be polygamous. What do you think?
Great point. Scripture very plainly shows that Jesus is the high priest who is married to his bride, the church.
I would bet this is just a passing fad that an author will become a millionaire on. There’s often just good old fashioned money behind these things. Then 20/20 does a show and he gets to push his book a little more for those who haven’t bought it yet. It’s subtle, but the bottom line is you sell more books. Plus the pro stem research and abortion people like it because it defames the main voice in defense of life today - the Catholic Church. Maybe the abortion/research industry put a little money into this whole thing. Dig around - you’d be surprised what you can find out. The trail usually leads to a money motive.

Not saying I am sure but just something to look into. Plus I do bet that I am at least partially right.
Passing fad? I hope you’re right.

But I’m pretty sure the book is being made into a movie - directed by Ron Howard. If this is true, I’m very dissappointed in Ron Howard. :nope:
Wat’s sad is the 20/20 episode in question is a re-run from last year.

:eek: There are Catholics that believe it is possible for Jesus to be married and still have a Catholic Church !!!

And yes…There is going to be a movie so I’m going to have to be up to speed on this garbage…like I have time for that,too.

But it breaks my heart that Catholics are so ill informed.

I think fiction or not, this is just part of an all-out attack against the church by the media. The church represents the last barrier against the "do whatever you want to do and everything will be alright"society. And it’s only going to get worse if Kerry is elected president. I have pretty much gave up watching tv, because of the wall to wall garbage that is on these days. Thank God for catholic radio and tv.
I couldn’t of said it any better myself.

ABC is still hyping Dan Brown’s fictitious theory because of its parent company Walt Disney’s well documented anti-Christian/Catholic agenda. It was one of its subsidiaries Miramax that recently produced “The Magdalene Sisters” and several other films which defame Catholicism in one way or another. You can read the Catholic League’s review of it here catholicleague.org/03press_releases/quarter3/030729_magdalene.htm

I encourage everyone to join the boycott of Walt Disney. You can get all the information as to Disney’s many moral misdeeds and to what products and companies to boycott from here afa.net/disney/ .
Great sites, thanks!
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