Dawkins: Religion equals 'child abuse'

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I hopw this show does not get imported to the US:
Dawkins: Religion equals 'child abuse’
Scientist compares Moses to Hitler, calls New Testament ‘sado-masochistic doctrine’
Posted: January 8, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Controversial scientist and evolutionist Richard Dawkins, dubbed “Darwin’s Rottweiler,” calls religion a “virus” and faith-based education “child abuse” in a two-part series he wrote and appears in that begins airing on the UK’s Channel 4, beginning tomorrow evening.

Entitled “Root of All Evil?,” the series features the atheist Dawkins visiting Lourdes, France, Colorado Springs, Colo., the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and a British religious school, using each of the venues to argue religion subverts reason.

Full Story
I’ve noticed that when people no longer have anything of value to contribute, they go for the “shock value”, merely for attention.

It seems to me that Dawkins has reached this state.

What’s next, loving your child? :confused:
No, actually, it’s believing that parents can raise their children better than the state that’s next.
Is it child abuse to raise a kid as a practicing Wiccan?
No. I do not agree with Wicca but teaching your child your religion is not abuse. Neither is it abuse to teach your child Buddhism, Muslim or Christianity.
This seems to be the way people are going these days. I feel the divisions are getting deeper. These are not the divisions between right and left, liberal and conservative, but the between the secularist and the believer.

I think the relativist secularists are seeing they are losing the battle – especially in the New World. They are losing because they have laid the seeds for their own extinction by embracing the culture of death. But they are also losing because Christians are becoming more united than they ever were before – and this scares them.

It should. Imagine how different the world would be if all Christians came home. Imagine the broad ranging social impact of a reunified world Christendom. It is bound to happen at some time. Why not now?

More and more people are coming to realize the debt we owe to the Church in the development of our society in the West and the dangers of Secular government has posed in the past century. Secular government is the most spectacular and bloody failure in all of human history. No one even remotely knowledgeable of the events of the 20th century think it is a legitimate world view.

Atheism, the devout belief in no god, is giving way to Secularism – a bigot’s brand of faith which focuses intense hatred on goodness itself.

Good is the basic nature of the universe and reality so it is no surprise these people are so far removed from reason.

The type of nonsensical argument put forward by Dawkins is typical of what we have seen recently – all mouth foam and no bite.

Look at the main argument put forward by militant gay rights activists (not all homosexuals hold to this, though the gay community will not let them speak out): “If you don’t condone what I do, then you must want to kill me. Therefore, you have no right to hold any belief that would not let you condone what I do” (they do not mention that this would be all world religions).

This is not logic or reason. It is spin meant to inject the issue with intense emotion and marginalize anyone who would hold a more nuanced (and true-to-life) view. They would have you believe every faithful believer of a world faith is a murderer.

Meanwhile, Catholics have been killed wholesale by Secularists in one form or another for the past two hundred years for doing nothing more than being Catholic.

Dawkins’ idea of scholarship seems to be to:
A) State his bigoted anti-faith opinion
B) Use history as a proof text of his ideas
C) Restate his opinion as empirical

Marx did the same for the worker; and Hitler for the German supremacist.

Such flailing only has currency with those who already hold to those views anyway.
This seems to be the way people are going these days. I feel the divisions are getting deeper. These are not the divisions between right and left, liberal and conservative, but the between the secularist and the believer.

I think the relativist secularists are seeing they are losing the battle – especially in the New World. They are losing because they have laid the seeds for their own extinction by embracing the culture of death. But they are also losing because Christians are becoming more united than they ever were before – and this scares them.

It should. Imagine how different the world would be if all Christians came home. Imagine the broad ranging social impact of a reunified world Christendom. It is bound to happen at some time. Why not now?

More and more people are coming to realize the debt we owe to the Church in the development of our society in the West and the dangers of Secular government has posed in the past century. Secular government is the most spectacular and bloody failure in all of human history. No one even remotely knowledgeable of the events of the 20th century think it is a legitimate world view.

Atheism, the devout belief in no god, is giving way to Secularism – a bigot’s brand of faith which focuses intense hatred on goodness itself.

Good is the basic nature of the universe and reality so it is no surprise these people are so far removed from reason.

The type of nonsensical argument put forward by Dawkins is typical of what we have seen recently – all mouth foam and no bite.

Look at the main argument put forward by militant gay rights activists (not all homosexuals hold to this, though the gay community will not let them speak out): “If you don’t condone what I do, then you must want to kill me. Therefore, you have no right to hold any belief that would not let you condone what I do” (they do not mention that this would be all world religions).

This is not logic or reason. It is spin meant to inject the issue with intense emotion and marginalize anyone who would hold a more nuanced (and true-to-life) view. They would have you believe every faithful believer of a world faith is a murderer.

Meanwhile, Catholics have been killed wholesale by Secularists in one form or another for the past two hundred years for doing nothing more than being Catholic.

Dawkins’ idea of scholarship seems to be to:
A) State his bigoted anti-faith opinion
B) Use history as a proof text of his ideas
C) Restate his opinion as empirical

Marx did the same for the worker; and Hitler for the German supremacist.

Such flailing only has currency with those who already hold to those views anyway.
I don’t think the secularists are very worried about Christians coming home. They have had 2,000 years and still haven’t found the way.
I’m getting fed up with UK documentaries on the main TV channels at the moment.

There seems to be a major glut of documentaries made by atheists that supposedly prove that religion is a bad thing. Richard Dawkins is only the latest. And he’s a lot less balanced in his portrayal of religion than was Jonathan Miller recently.

Mind you, the evangelical pastor he interviewed was a bit worrying! I don’t know if he purposefully searched for an extreme-anti-science pastor or if it was just coincidence.
Science is a fruit of the Catholic Church and Catholic culture. May I recommend Anthony Rizzi’s The Science Before Science by IAP Press? Also, newly published and widely available (in America, at least) is How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E. Woods published by Regnery. I found that one in a secular bookstore.

It is because of rock-solid historical justification like this that people are beginning to see that the faith founded on the author of reality brings you closer to reality.

What is truly frightening about people like Dawkins is what they would have us do if their influence over society were any greater. I mean how do you expect he will stop everyone from believing anything? That is ultimately his goal, you know.

Child abuse is illegal. If he can argue faith is child abuse, then he can put all religion on a collision course with the rule of law. Does not sound much like a free thinker, does he?

His ideas are essentially an argument to persecute those who would disagree with him. This is transparent fascism. Unfortunately, to half the people he sounds “progressive” and “liberal”.

But his ideas are nothing but the primitive brute force of majority rule the lead to enslavement and the grave.

You should do whatever you can to speak out against such tyranny.
I don’t think the secularists are very worried about Christians coming home. They have had 2,000 years and still haven’t found the way.
Don’t sin against hope, my friend! The eucatastrophe could be right around the corner.
What’s his beef with religion? Seriously. Did he have horrible parents who used religion to manipulate and control him, or does he feel that God didn’t answer his prayers when he didn’t get something he desperately wanted? Poor guy. He’ll find out the hard way if he doesn’t change his attitude.
Don’t sin against hope, my friend! The eucatastrophe could be right around the corner.
Hope has little to do with the observation that Christians haven’t united to fix the world, although they have had 2,000 years to do it.
Mom of one:
What’s his beef with religion?
I don’t know, but you have to keep in mind that schools and universities have for the last 40 years or so been teaching that civilization, science, and sanity began only with the “Enlightenment,” and that everything before that was darkness and barbarism.

Thomas E. Woods book, How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization is a good antidote (or at least a start) to that kind of thinking, even though it’s main thesis used to be considered common knowledge before the education establishment was taken over by secularists.
Amen brother!

Some of the most powerful apologetics we could engage in now would be historical apologetics with these so-called “progressives.”

No one denies the information put out in these books (cause it is true), but hardly anyone knows about it because our education has been censored.

Which makes us the hyper-intellectual, counter-cultural rebels.

Viva the rebel alliance!
I hope this show does not get imported to the US
]**That comment doesn’t describe the whole of religion, but it does account for a very great deal of it. The enemies of Christ were very religious indeed - which is why they got rid of him: some manifestations of religion are not good at all, but false and evil, so they deserve to be denounced: Dawkins is, in a way, acting as a prophet, and if Christians are foolish enough to attempt the hopeless task of defending every last activity or attitude or idea which is religious, that is their problem.

Equally, it could be that the wickedness in the human heart - which we ignore at our peril - simply manifests itself as much in man as religious, as in man as political, or as anything else. Man is a wicked creature; so it’s not surprising; but thaty does not make the evil of religious man any less evil. ##
I don’t know, but you have to keep in mind that schools and universities have for the last 40 years or so been teaching that civilization, science, and sanity began only with the “Enlightenment,” and that everything before that was darkness and barbarism.

Thomas E. Woods book, How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization is a good antidote (or at least a start) to that kind of thinking, even though it’s main thesis used to be considered common knowledge before the education establishment was taken over by secularists.

That overlooks three facts, if no more:​

  1. That there was a recognisably Christian enlightenment
  2. That a great deal criticised by the “enlightened” richly deserved it - it was the Churches that favoured and defended torture, slavery, persecution, and tyranny: not the enlightened.
  3. People have such a phobia of giving even an inch to an ill-defined “secularism”, that they are in real danger of defending the very things which would have made the birth of their own country impossible.
I don’t know, but you have to keep in mind that schools and universities have for the last 40 years or so been teaching that civilization, science, and sanity began only with the “Enlightenment,” and that everything before that was darkness and barbarism.

Thomas E. Woods book, How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization is a good antidote (or at least a start) to that kind of thinking, even though it’s main thesis used to be considered common knowledge before the education establishment was taken over by secularists.
Know of any schools with Classics Departments?
Gottle of Geer said:
## That overlooks three facts, if no more:
  1. That there was a recognisably Christian enlightenment
  2. That a great deal criticised by the “enlightened” richly deserved it - it was the Churches that favoured and defended torture, slavery, persecution, and tyranny: not the enlightened.
  3. People have such a phobia of giving even an inch to an ill-defined “secularism”, that they are in real danger of defending the very things which would have made the birth of their own country impossible.
Yes, there was a Christian enlightenment. In my college days we used to talk a lot about Christian humanism.

Somehow the history of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror, along with mob rule and the wholesale guillotining of the innocent does not seem particularly enlightened. In any case, the secular 20th century seems to have outdone all previous centuries when it comes to tyranny, persecution, and mass killing. The “dark ages” boast of no one quite like Pol Pot, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, the Khmer Rouge, and other various modern genocides.
**In any case, the secular 20th century seems to have outdone all previous centuries when it comes to tyranny, persecution, and mass killing. The “dark ages” boast of no one quite like Pol Pot, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, the Khmer Rouge, and other various modern genocides. **

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