Day Versus Night

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One cannot love God and willingly and knowingly disobey his commandments of grave matter.
Thank you Vico 😊!! I think the onus relies on the “knowing”…
Knowing that the Church teaches that it is grave matter and morally wrong, is sufficient knowledge.
Here we have it, the acting out(fantasizing) and the intention
(love and the good of the other), does the good intention
make the acting out less sinful or culpable??
I am asking this b/c I personally think that the intention, if’
done in LOVE make the acting out less sinful and culpable…
Augustine(I think) said it best when quoted as saying:“Love,
and do what you will”!!
Yes it is; thank-you so much :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:!!
I agree with you, but we must be careful not to credit those sinful actions as entirely inconsequential…
As Scripture says, one cannot serve two masters. You cannot love God 100% and love your sexual fantasies 100%.

When we love God perfectly, we are repulsed by the mere idea of sinning against Him.
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