Deaf and Blind Helen Keller Is "Just Another Privileged White Person "In Time Magazine

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Helen Keller was severely impaired by an undiagnosed illness that caused her to go blind and deaf at the age of 19 months old. Despite her debilitating disabilities and a lack of resources available at the time, Keller would go on to become a champion of the deaf and blind by fundraising millions of dollars for those who are disabled.
However, to some Black disability rights activists, like Anita Cameron, Helen Keller is not radical at all, 'just another, despite disabilities, privileged white person," and yet another example of history telling the story of privileged white Americans.
If Abraham Lincoln is a bad guy and his name is being erased from school buildings then Helen Keller is just another one on the list.
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So Glenn Beck’s outfit selects the article’s one idiotic comment about Keller and focuses on that. Why doesn’t he go after the fact that she read Marx, was a socialist, and was a proponent of birth control (all of which is cited in the original article)? I guess when black academics go after someone, white conservatives have to stand up for them even if they completely violate their ideals.
The point, I think, is to attack the premise of “white privilege,” not the views of Keller. If the article had been about Keller’s views, I’m quite certain Beck would have gone after that. You seem to be conflating the arguments.
So if the article had been about Hitler’s white privilege, Beck would be defending him. Got it.
So if the article had been about Hitler’s white privilege, Beck would be defending him. Got it.
No, because as a blind and deaf individual, Keller certainly did not have white priviledge. Also that’s an intellectually dishonest conclusion to arrive to with minimal evidence.
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I don’t see Beck defending any white privilege at all. Indeed, I see him attack the concept of it.
even if they completely violate their ideals.
First of all, Helen Keller did not completely violate Catholic ideals. She came from a fairly wealthy family, so probably did not have to spend her life working to help others. The fact she was mistaken in some areas (and the fact she read Marx does not mean she was a Communist) does not negate the good she did for all kinds of people in need, a Christian ideal indeed.

Moreover, for radical black people to dismiss any people who did anything for black people in the US simply because of the color of their skin, like the signer of the Emancipation Proclamation, which despite having been signed by a privileged white man is still celebrated on June 19th by many black people, is something which should be publicized, so that we can better understand the philosophy of these radicals, who are working on pushing CRT into every book and cranny they find.

If you like that sort of thing, now you know how into it they are. As for me, I think it is a shame to hand a generation of black children nothing but hopelessness at a time when their situation is so much better than it was in the past, when many black people did well despite actual serious oppression.
Why doesn’t he go after the fact that she read Marx, was a socialist, and was a proponent of birth control (all of which is cited in the original article)
Because that describes the racists attacking white folks.
Just more nonsense from the left. I expect someday we’ll be told Primo Levi experienced Jewish privilege as well.
I was just joking about my sister’s dog, the poor thing has gone blind and deaf. He’s the Helen Keller of dogs. I guess since the dog is black in color, far left leaning Time magazine is more approving?
What do you mean Joe Biden has been attacked here and he is white.
Frank asked why she wasn’t attacked for things they themselves are guilty of.

When you attack people because of the color of their skin first and foremost, you are a racist. The people doing the attacking are hypocrites. And some of them are socialists and pro choice.
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