Dealing with the Fear of Change

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Most people have a fear of change, even if they know it is for the better.

How do you deal handle change and deal with the associated fear?
Most people have a fear of change, even if they know it is for the better.

How do you deal handle change and deal with the associated fear?
Sometimes, very badly (anxiety attacks, depression, eatting disorders). It’s hard to choke it up and trust God.
Dealing with fear of change can best be combated with prayer!

I would say, Pray, Pray, Pray and Pray!

After that, psychologically and spiritually, you will be more confident to just trust in God.

hope this helps,
God Bless
Most people have a fear of change, even if they know it is for the better.

How do you deal handle change and deal with the associated fear?
Chocolate is my friend. (smile). (Hmmm. Maybe not).

I suspect that you have have some good ideas on the subject. Want to help us out a little?
I have a fear of change at times. I have to force myself to encounter a new situation, give it time, and then I adjust. It used to paralyse me, but as I’ve gotten older and have experienced dramatic changes in my life, I’ve come to realize that often when one door closes another opens, and that time is my friend in adapting to change.
When considering Change we need to consider the following aspects:

Control: Is the Change under our control?
(1) Under our total control and efforts,
(2) Under our leadership wih the efforts of others as well,
(3) Partial - Partially under our control and efforts.
(4) Limited influence on the change at all.
(5) No - Not under our control at all.

Benefit: Is the Change beneficial (overall)? Is the Change beneficial (personally)?
(1) Definitely yes.
(2) Probably yes, but we will have to wait and see.
(3) Probably neutral, but we will have to wait and see.
(4) Probably no, but we will have ot wait and see.
(5) Definitely no.

Means: Are the means (method, money, time, effort, etc.) used to accomplish the change appropriate?
(1) Yes
(2) unknown
(3) No, either unethical means are being use or too much is being done to accomplish too little.

Orderliness: How well is the change planned and being executed?
(1) Well planned and good execution.
(2) Some planning and good follow-through.
(3) Some planning but poor follow-through
(4) Totally haphazard or spontaneous.

Context in my whole life: each change need to be considered in the full context of your life, including other changes going on.

I will address in future posts, building off this, the fear of and dealing with change.
To live is to change and to be perfect is to have changed often.

Cardinal Newman

Change is not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.

Pray for guidance to determine what changes you have to make and then pray for help to follow them through.

Dealing with Change under our control.

Purpose - for all changes under our control we should have a definite objective that we are trying to achieve.

Planning the change - we need to prayerfully consider how the change will occur, what will it take to bring about, steps we need to take to achieve it, and how to react if unexpected (or unlikely or unwanted) things comes up

We generally have time to consult with experts on this type of change to learn how better to manage it and what to expect over time. This is helpful to reduce stress and fear of the unknown.

Executiing the change - we need to follow through prayfully, doing each step as needed (as often as required).

Some of the steps may be after the change to re-enforce it, such as strengthening a good habit that we are trying to develop.
Life is constant change, this is a basic truth. If you look at a lovely landscape, it may look like a painting, but it’s actually a dynamic, ever changing, living creation of God, with atoms and molecules interacting with one another, microorgansisms reproducing, and dying off, trees beginning to blossem, flowers beginning to die.

Life is Change…
Things around us change that we have no control over. The scriptures tell us “Be not Afraid” for God is with us and will provide for us. It is a matter of surrendering these things that we can do nothing about to God, accepting what happens, and doing our best in the new circumstances.

Sometimes, in the larger context, an uncontrollable change, we can counter with a larger change, such as changing employers when our employers ask us to do immoral acts on their behalf. In this example, the employees must do the immoral act to keep their employment; they can however find employment elsewhere where immorality is not required.

For changes totally outside of our control, we must surrender it totally to God and not let the changes for the worse get us down. sometimes God will use a bad situation and make some better come out of it.

:gopray2: Jesus, I trust in You. :gopray2:
What about the opposite disorder, change for the sake of change, without considering those elements you outlined. Changing jobs, living arrangements, spouses, under the misapprehension that any change will be better than the current situation. Or making changes, when you have some authority or power to do so, perhaps as a means of exerting control over others.
Dear Square,
Some people seem to crave change, just like some people like jumping from airplanes. I’ve read that they are lacking a certain brain chemical, and that it takes a lot of stimulation for them to get a natural high. I think that chemical is endorphin, a neurotransmitter. People short on it tend to go for extreme sports and live a restless lifestyle.
Usually I like change, but right now I don’t.

I,m 25 and I have been in the military for over 7 years now. I am considering seriously getting out. I was originally contemplating a vocation, but now I can’t find any order that I would be really positive about joining. So I am in this situation where I need to get a different job until I can figure this all out better which by the way is a huge pain. I could reenlist for another 4 years, but that is too long I think and I would like to work for a year or two and decide better what to do in a job where I have the freedom to quit easier if I find what I am looking for…Houses are expensive, jobs are good, but they aren’t a gaurantee. I am a little nervous and fearing the change. It will be hard not to be in the military I think but I will get use to it.
So I don’t think I am dealing as well as I could with this change, I am a little overwhelmed. It is funny to think that if Jesus had never come into my life, that this would be a totally different decision.
I think planning and prayer is the best for something like this even though it is hard when you are not sure what to go for.
Most people have a fear of change, even if they know it is for the better.

How do you deal handle change and deal with the associated fear?
Since I am definitely a creature of habit (prone to anxiety) any change that comes along tends to throw me.

First I do my breathing exercises.
Try to get a grip…sometimes medication is needed.BTW, (Ihave to do these things first or a panic attack will take over).
Then I take it to the Lord in prayer and just basically ride out the fear…Have had many bumpy rides in life…The best thing I can do is to face my fear head on and let God do the rest. I think it’s called TRUST!🙂
Change can be scary and difficult! But what I do is what many of the posters have already said: pray, pray and pray! I have found that the stronger my faith and trust in Our Lord is the easier it is for me to ride with the tide. God’s will not mine! When I accept and surrender to His Will there is no harm. I can relax then. Deep breathing is always good, too, and walking.
rianredd1088 said:
“Nothing is permanent but Change”

Wrong. Only God in His Omnipotensce is Permanent. Change is an earthly thing.
What about the opposite disorder, change for the sake of change, without considering those elements you outlined.
Asqured brings up a good point, some people pursue change for the thrill of it for them, the thrill of entering the unknown. This usually is unheathly for the individual and well as those around him. Confronting the individual if it will help, can be useful and forcing them to explain the benefits and disadvantages of the change they are advocating can make them see reason sometimes.

In your spiritual life, this tends to be very destructive and leads to spiritual stagnation at best.
Changing jobs, living arrangements, spouses, under the misapprehension that any change will be better than the current situation.
This is what I would call panic change. It usually makes things worse. If you are in a bad situation, a well-planned change (consulting with experts on the situation) with a definite goal that addresses the root of the problem and good execution may improve it, a haphazard change probably will not help.
… perhaps as a means of exerting control over others.
That would make it abuse against the other people involved.
As someone who is leaving for college in the fall…I will tell you when I get there how change works for me …really I am excited but the prospect of leaving my friends and Church that I have grown accustomed to is really difficult.😦 The ammount of money involved with going to College frightens me, too.
I don’t really fear change.
I fear un-needed change, change for change sake
and change when there is nothing to replace what is being changed.
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